約翰福音13:14-15[我是你們的主, 你們的夫子, 尚且洗你們的腳, 你們也當彼此洗腳.  我給你們作了榜樣, 叫你們照著我向你們所做的去做.][例證]漢琪Donald Hankey在親愛的陸軍上尉The Beloved Captain一書中, 描寫這位上尉在行軍之後, 他都照例跪在地上, 像醫生一様檢查士兵們的腳.  如果發現水泡, 他就親自用消過毒的針代為刺破, 免得細菌進入人體. 然後指示隨行的士官施藥救治.  所有士兵都敬愛他, 他這樣做真像宗教行為, 因為他滿懷基督的精神.  [理由]彼此洗腳是在愛中互相建立, 因著愛弟兄, 不願看見弟兄在主的豐富中失落, 因此就給弟兄洗腳.  因著體會弟兄的愛, 也就讓弟兄洗腳或施醫治.  彼此洗腳必須是作在愛裡, 不然就不是挽回在過失中的弟兄, 而是要在責備弟兄中顯露自己的公義, 洗腳固然是一個生活中的動作, 但更重要的是在主的心意中的勸勉, 在愛心交通中的互相造就, 在誠信中互相赦免.  主不是單叫我們學著洗腳的樣式去作, 也是要我們憑著祂的生命去作, 謙卑, 愛弟兄, 進入合一的實際.  只有主的生命在人裡面. 才會樂意這樣作.  體貼自己, 愛面子, 不顧念別人, 這些都是凡人生命中弱點, 人可以忍受別人受損害, 而不能忍受自己有损失.  當主的生命在人裡面發動, 人天然的阻力也就消退, 人就以主為榜樣, 照著主所作的去作.  榜樣不僅是指所作的事, 並且也指作事的人, 特別是作事之人的存心與態度.  主在此絕不是設立一項洗腳的儀式, 叫我們定期舉行洗腳的禮儀.  彼此洗腳, 必須是彼此相愛的表現, 而不是捨本逐末, 嘩眾取寵的行為.  [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 我們實在很軟弱, 沒有能力. 很多事情我們想做的, 我們做不到.  我們不想做的, 我們又做了.  我們常常犯錯, 虧欠祢的榮耀.  我們求祢赦免我們, 也求聖靈幫助我們. 加添力量給我們. 使我們能夠遵行祢的教導.  所說所行的, 能夠得祢的喜悅, 能夠在人的面前有美好的見證和榜樣, 能夠榮耀祢的聖名.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名. 阿們!

John 13:14-15 [Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.] [Illustration] In The Beloved Captain by Donald Hankey, the author describes a captain who, after every march, would kneel on the ground like a doctor and examine his soldiers’ feet. If he found blisters, he would personally sterilize a needle to pierce them, preventing infection, and instruct his accompanying officers to apply medicine. The soldiers adored him because his actions reflected the spirit of Christ. What he did seemed almost like a religious act, full of love and humility. [Reason] Washing One Another’s Feet. Washing one another’s feet symbolizes building each other up in love. It stems from a desire to see our brothers not lose the richness of Christ. It involves lovingly correcting and restoring a brother in his failings, while also being humble enough to receive help and healing from others. This act must be rooted in love. If it is done to expose someone’s fault and demonstrate one’s own righteousness, it loses its purpose. While foot washing is a physical act, it signifies much more—encouragement in alignment with God’s will, mutual edification through loving fellowship, and sincere forgiveness. The Lord teaches us not only to imitate the act of foot washing but to perform it with His life working within us. Only His life in us can inspire such humility, love, and unity. The natural human inclination is to prioritize self, protect one’s pride, and disregard others’ needs. Without Christ’s life transforming us, we might tolerate others’ harm but resist personal loss. When the life of Christ moves within, human resistance fades, and we can follow His example with the same attitude and intent. Jesus was not instituting a formal ritual of foot washing but teaching us to express mutual love and service. This practice must be an authentic expression of love, not an empty, showy act. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, We confess our weakness and inability. Often, we fail to do what we want to do and end up doing what we shouldn’t. We frequently make mistakes and fall short of Your glory. We ask for Your forgiveness and the help of the Holy Spirit to strengthen us. Help us to follow Your teachings and live in a way that pleases You. May our words and actions serve as a good witness and example before others, bringing glory to Your holy name. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!