約書亞記1:9[我豈沒有吩咐你嗎?你當剛強壯膽!不要懼怕, 也不要驚惶, 因為為你無論往前哪裏去, 耶和華你的神必與你同在.] [案例]他是一位虔誠的修士, 他擁有神學博士學位, 他還擔任主攻聖經研究的大學教授, 能將整部新約聖經倒背如流, 對於信仰的巨大熱情不容任何人懷疑. 他掀起歐洲宗教改革的滔天巨浪, 他的每一句話都讓教廷日夜戰慄, 這個翻天覆地的男人, 今日被譽為是基督教的先知, 是上帝的牧者, 是許多現代歐洲人心中最偉大的德國人.  他是馬丁路德Martin Luther, 是16世紀的喉舌, 也是那個時代的刀劍!原本他可能一生默默無聞,  但贖罪券的荒謬引爆了這個男人, 讓他戰鬥力突破地表, 嗆辣地躍上歷史舞台.  在過去有多少挑戰羅馬教廷的信仰者, 有的退卻了, 有的犧牲了.  宗教改革當然不是一時一地的產物.  然而馬丁路德獨立發難且堅持到底, 在過程中越戰越強的勇氣, 讓改革的火焰得以持續燃燒, 直至整個歐洲都發燙.  你願意為了你堅持的理想走多遠呢?”我不怕千萬人阻擋, 只怕自己投降!” 以剛克剛的堅持, 這是馬丁路德與上帝同在的剛強壯膽.  [理由]做剛強壯膽的大丈夫.  或許你正陷在低潮中, 甚至懷自己的所做所為, 覺得自己一無是處, 別人的一些負面評價和觀感, 讓你痛不欲生. 你應該把這樣的感覺告訴主, 同時相神創造了你, 一定有祂的美意. 每個人都有不同的恩賜和特點.  不要自我否定, 不要輕言放棄, 不要輕看自己. 好好學習約書亞及馬丁路德, 做一位剛強壯膽的大丈夫.  孟子滕文公下”富貴不能淫, 貧賤不能移, 威武不能屈, 此之謂大丈夫.” 于謙石灰吟”千錘萬鑿出深山, 烈火焚燒若等閑.  粉骨碎身渾不怕, 要留清白在人間.”[ 結論]親愛的天父上帝, 感謝你的話語帶給我們方向和力量, 特別是約書亞記第一章第九節.  求祢幫助我們, 讓我們明白生命的定位在於祢的旨意和計劃, 而不是追求個人的榮華富貴與權力.  讓我們放下自我, 緊緊抓住祢的應許, 並遵從祢的指引, 讓祢的旨意成為我們生命的中心和方向.  求祢賜給我們勇氣和力量, 去面對人生中的挑戰和困難, 並依靠從祢而來的力量與智慧來克服一切的困難與挑戰.  感謝祢的保護和應許, 讓我們的生命成為祢榮耀的見證.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Joshua 1:9 [Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.] [Illustration] He was a devout monk with a doctorate in theology, a university professor specializing in biblical studies, and someone who could recite the entire New Testament from memory. His passion for faith was beyond question. This man sparked the monumental wave of the Protestant Reformation in Europe, causing sleepless nights for the papacy with his every word. Today, he is hailed as a prophet of Christianity, a shepherd of God, and one of the greatest Germans in the hearts of many modern Europeans. He is Martin Luther, the 16th-century voice of revolution and the sword of his era. Martin Luther might have lived a quiet, unremarkable life if not for the absurdity of indulgences. This issue ignited his fighting spirit, propelling him onto the stage of history with fiery resolve. While many before him had challenged the authority of the Roman Church, some retreated, and others perished. The Reformation wasn’t the result of one moment or one place. Yet, Martin Luther’s bold initiative and unyielding courage made him the torchbearer of a movement that ultimately engulfed all of Europe in reform. How far are you willing to go for the ideals you believe in? As Luther famously declared, “I am not afraid of ten thousand opposing me; I am only afraid of surrendering to myself.” His unwavering persistence was the manifestation of strength and courage with God by his side. [Reason] Be Strong and Courageous. Perhaps you are in a valley of despair, questioning your worth and actions, feeling worthless under the weight of others’ criticisms and judgments. In these moments, bring your feelings to the Lord and remember that God created you with a purpose. Every individual has unique gifts and strengths. Do not let self-doubt consume you. Refuse to give up or belittle yourself. Instead, take inspiration from Joshua and Martin Luther. Be a strong and courageous person, steadfast in faith and purpose. As the philosopher Mencius said: “The true gentleman is uncorrupted by wealth, unmoved by poverty, and unbowed by force.” Likewise, the poet Yu Qian wrote: “Though hammered and chiseled deep in the mountains, Though burned in roaring flames, I remain composed. Ground to dust, I fear no destruction; My purity will forever remain in this world.” [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for Your word that provides direction and strength, especially the message from Joshua 1:9. Help us understand that our purpose in life is rooted in Your will and plan, not in the pursuit of personal wealth, fame, or power. Teach us to surrender ourselves to You, to firmly hold onto Your promises, and to follow Your guidance. May Your will become the center and direction of our lives. Grant us the courage and strength to face life’s challenges and difficulties, relying on Your wisdom and power to overcome them all. We thank You for Your protection and promises, and we pray that our lives may become a testimony to Your glory. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen!