馬太福音7:1[你們不要論斷人, 免得你們被論斷.][案例]拉比們曾多次在論斷他人的事上警戒猶太人, 他們說”凡以善論斷鄰居的, 必蒙上帝的善待.”  他們定下六件可以使人在今生和來世蒙福祉的工作”勤讀, 探訪病人, 虔誠祈求, 教導子女律法, 想到別人的長處.”  猶太人早已知道正確, 厚道的論斷是一種神聖的責任.  只有那沒有錯誤的人, 才有權在別人的身上找差錯.  人若自己無準備, 或至少在批評的事上有比別人更好的表現, 就沒有批評別人的權利. 每一個社團或教會, 常常充滿了對長老或牧師激烈批評的人, 對教會做毫無根據的指控, 甚至揑造事實, 毫無底線的抹黑與打擊, 可是他們從來也不會夢想親自來擔任這個職位.  [理由]不可論斷, 因為論斷常含有定罪的意思.  論斷人指挑別人短處, 宣判人家罪狀.  甚至搜集別人的不利的證據, 譬如未經對方同意, 用錄音指控別人.  斷章取義, 達到恐嚇勒索的目的.  我們很容易看到別人的缺點, 心裏起論斷.  當我們指責別人的時候, 先思考自己是否也犯有同樣的缺點? 或有更大的毛病? 天國子民越是被神光照, 就越多省察自己, 越認識自己, 就越不敢論斷人, 而是嚴以律己, 寬以待人.  子曰”躬自厚而薄責於人, 則遠怨矣.”  [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 我們是何等軟弱卑微的人, 祢竟然還愛護我們.  我們驕傲, 常常自以為是.  我們不完美, 卻常常指責論斷別人的錯誤.  求主赦免我們, 求主幫助我們, 有謙卑容忍的心.  不隨意批評, 指責和論斷人, 能夠接受別人的缺點和犯錯.  因為我們也是犯上同樣的錯誤, 需要別人的諒解.  讓我們能夠與人和睦相處, 生活有美好的見證.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Matthew 7:1 [Do not judge, or you too will be judged.] [Illustration] The rabbis frequently warned the Jewish people about judging others, saying, “Anyone who judges their neighbor with kindness will receive kindness from God.” They outlined six acts that bring blessings in this life and the next: diligent study, visiting the sick, earnest prayer, teaching children the Law, and focusing on others’ strengths. The Jewish people recognized that fair and compassionate judgment was a sacred responsibility. Only those who are without fault themselves have the right to criticize others. If someone is unprepared or does not demonstrate superior behavior in the area they criticize, they have no authority to judge others. In many communities and churches, there are often people who harshly criticize elders or pastors, making baseless accusations or even fabricating stories to malign and undermine them. Ironically, these critics would never consider taking on such positions themselves. [Reason]

Do Not Judge, Because Judgment Often Implies Condemnation. To judge others means to highlight their shortcomings and pronounce them guilty. It can involve gathering unfavorable evidence against them, such as secretly recording conversations to use as accusations. Misrepresenting facts to intimidate or coerce others is another form of judgmental behavior. It is easy to notice the faults of others and form judgments in our hearts. But before we criticize someone, we should first ask ourselves: Do I also have the same shortcomings? Or perhaps even greater faults? Citizens of God’s kingdom, when illuminated by His light, tend to examine themselves more deeply. The more they understand their own imperfections, the less they judge others. Instead, they strive to discipline themselves and extend grace to others. As Confucius said, “Demand much from yourself and little from others, and you will avoid resentment.” [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, How weak and insignificant we are, and yet You still love and care for us. We are proud and often self-righteous. Though we are imperfect, we frequently judge and criticize others. We ask for Your forgiveness and for Your help in cultivating humble and patient hearts. Teach us not to criticize or judge others lightly but to accept their flaws and mistakes, knowing that we too have faults and need forgiveness. Help us live in peace with others, bearing good testimony in our lives. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray, Amen!