正面思考與行動—-箴言10:4[手懶的, 要受貧窮.  手勤的, 卻要富足.] [理由]  神給每一個人智力, 祂期望我們好好使用它.  在事奉主的事上, 也同樣能動動腦筋, 省去不必要的勞累和遲緩的果效.  我們若用現代企業化管理的方式來經營教會的工作, 不是很好嗎?我們若固步自封, 抱殘守缺, 難怪教會萎靡不振.  我們若用推廣事業的新方法來拯救靈魂, 其功效必很可觀.  我們若用一半批評別人的時間來禱告, 亦可立奏奇效.  把斧頭磨利!檢查你的工具, 你的才幹, 它們若鈍了, 你得用禱告來磨利它們.  你們要天天研讀神的話, 思索天父在今天交待你的工作與責任.  當我們學會把負面思考變成正面思考時, 最先得益的將是我們自己, 透過加倍的用心與努力, 證明自己, 也為主作美好的見證.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢的教導和提醒, 要我們做個殷勤不可懶惰的人, 無論做什麼都要用心, 好像給主做的.  我們在自己的或身份崗位上, 都要盡心盡責, 我們所做的就必成就, 能得神和人的讃賞, 為主做美好的見証.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Positive Thinking and Action – Proverbs 10:4 [Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.] [Reason] God has given each of us intelligence and expects us to use it wisely. This principle applies to serving the Lord as well—we can think creatively to avoid unnecessary effort and delays. Wouldn’t it be beneficial to manage church work with modern organizational methods? If we cling to outdated practices and refuse to change, it’s no surprise that a church might stagnate. However, adopting innovative strategies—like those used in successful outreach efforts—can yield remarkable results. Likewise, if we spent half the time we use to criticize others in prayer, the effects would be extraordinary. Sharpen your tools! Examine your abilities. If they’ve grown dull, prayer is the way to hone them. Make it a daily habit to study God’s Word and reflect on the tasks and responsibilities He has entrusted to you today. When we learn to transform negative thinking into positive action, we will benefit first, and through doubled diligence, we can prove ourselves and bear beautiful testimony for the Lord. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for Your teachings and reminders to be diligent and not lazy. Whatever we do, let us do it wholeheartedly, as if working for You. May we be faithful and responsible in all our roles and tasks. Through our efforts, may we achieve success, receive favor from both You and others, and bear a strong testimony for You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray, Amen!