公婆皆有理—-提多書3:2[不要毀謗, 不要爭兢, 總要和平, 向眾人大顯溫柔.] [理由]這節經文對基督教不同教派的爭議, 很有啓發的意義.  所謂不要毀謗就是不要說壞話. 同為基督徒, 怎能忍心指責某些基督徒或教派為異端 Heresy.  異端指異於正統或主流的思想和學說.  異端不是叛教, 只是對傳統教義提出不同見解, 從而形成不同的派別.  教會不能只允許一種見解, 一種聲音. 本節經文是用來廣泛地保護每位會眾, 免受嘲笑, 中傷, 侮辱和覇凌.  主耶穌脾氣和善又有恩慈, 愛好和平, 善與人修好.  是我們終身應學習的榜樣.  公說公有理, 婆說婆有理, 其實大家都有理.  不過是從不同的角度, 有不同的道理.  若是堅持己見, 反而傷了和氣和關係.  各人試著換個角度看看, 可能彼此的怒氣就消退了. 取大同而棄小異, 如此而已.  [結論]親愛的天父上帝,我們感謝祢賜給我們有主內的弟兄姊妹和很多的朋友.  我們求主幫助我們, 學習與人和睦相處的道理, 避免與人意見不同而爭吵, 惹起怒氣又傷害感情.  我們要與人建立良好的關係, 使我們有美好的生活見證, 就能夠傳福音, 又有美好的事奉.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Everyone Has Their Reasons – Titus 3:2 [To slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.] [Reason] This verse provides valuable insight into addressing disputes among different Christian denominations. The phrase “do not slander” means refraining from speaking ill of others. As Christians, how can we bear to label fellow believers or denominations as heretical? Heresy refers to beliefs or doctrines that deviate from orthodox or mainstream teachings. It is not apostasy but rather an alternative interpretation of traditional doctrines, which often leads to the formation of distinct enominations. The church should not permit only one perspective or voice. This verse broadly safeguards all congregants from ridicule, defamation, insult, and bullying. Jesus Himself, known for His kindness and gentle disposition, loved peace and sought harmony with others. He serves as a lifelong example for us to emulate. When faced with disagreements, it’s essential to recognize that both sides may have valid points. Each perspective arises from a different angle or context. Insisting on one’s viewpoint often damages relationships and harmony. Instead, try seeing things from the other person’s perspective—this can often diffuse anger and promote understanding. Emphasizing commonalities while setting aside minor differences fosters unity. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for blessing us with brothers and sisters in Christ and many friends. We ask for Your help in learning how to live in harmony with others, avoiding arguments over differing opinions that cause anger and hurt feelings. Teach us to build strong relationships, so our lives can serve as a beautiful testimony, enabling us to share the gospel and engage in fruitful ministry. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray, Amen!