清潔你的心—-馬太福音5:8[清心的人有福了!因為他們必得見神.][理由]在與神相交裏, 聖靈日漸調整你的心, 清潔你的心, 一直到別的事物在你心裏漸漸矇朧暗淡下去, 主的形象卻清楚地照進來.  這時你的心就是像一泓清水, 又像是對準主的照相機.  你對主的印象, 就越來越深, 越清楚了, 這就是看見神.  心單純, 專一, 就能看見神.  心若偏於邪, 不純, 就會陷在黑暗裏.  清心則寡慾.  誠意, 正心, 就能看見神.  你正在找什麼?我們以為很多的事物, 應在人群中, 在書本中, 在專家中.  殊不知, 一切的答案都在基督裏.  回到心靈深處吧!神在那裏等著你, 祂有你所需要的一切答案.  在默想中讓自己的心安靜下來, 使自己的心既清且明, 許多的問題就將迎刃而解.  [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是至高的神, 祢無所不知, 無所不在, 也無所不能.  我們來到祢的面前, 將我們生活中遇到的疑問, 我們許多不明白的狀況. 都帶到祢的面前交托.  求主啓示我們. 能夠聽見祢的聲音. 看到祢的作為, 賜給我們有完全和單純信靠的心.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Cleanse Your Heart – Matthew 5:8 [Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.] [Reason] In fellowship with God, the Holy Spirit gradually refines your heart, cleansing it until other distractions fade into obscurity and the image of the Lord shines clearly within you. At this point, your heart resembles a clear pool of water or a camera lens focused on the Lord. Your impression of Him deepens and becomes increasingly vivid—this is what it means to see God. A heart that is simple and focused can see God, while a heart inclined toward evil or impurity is trapped in darkness. Purity of heart leads to freedom from excessive desires. Sincerity and a righteous heart enable you to see God. What are you searching for? We often think the answers lie among people, books, or experts. Yet, all answers are found in Christ. Return to the depths of your soul—God is waiting there for you. He holds every answer you need. In quiet meditation, calm your heart so that it becomes both clear and serene. Many of your questions will find resolution in this clarity. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the Most High God, all-knowing, omnipresent, and all-powerful. We come before You, bringing the questions and uncertainties we encounter in life and entrusting them to You. Lord, we ask for Your revelation, that we may hear Your voice and see Your works. Grant us a heart that is wholly pure and steadfast in trusting You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray, Amen!