明白聖經真意—-哥林多後書3:6[祂叫我們能承當這新約的執事, 不是憑著字句, 乃是憑著精意, 因為那字句是叫人死, 精意(或譯:聖靈)叫人活.] [理由]讀聖經不僅要讀出字句表面的意思, 更應讀出字句裏面的含意, 也就是讀出神藉著經文所要啓示給我們的心意. 主耶穌說[叫人活著的乃是靈], 約翰福音6:63. 一切的工作, 行為, 禱告, 追求真理, 如果不是聖靈在我們裏面運行的結果, 不是靠著聖靈的能力而產生的, 就都是死的. 字句叫人死, 精意叫人活. 求主讓我們更深入明白祂的話語真正的意思. 而不是表面的字句, 不要變成信仰僵化的現代法利賽人. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢賜給我們聖經, 就是神的話語. 我們求主賜給我們聰明智慧, 打開我們的心眼, 讓我們讀聖經, 能夠更加認識祢, 明白真理和祢的心意, 使我們遵行祢的話, 行事合乎祢的旨意, 言語行為有美好的見證, 榮耀主名. 感謝祢揀選了我們, 讓我們與聖靈同工. 感謝祢讓我們參與在這存到永遠的事工中, 讓我們與你有份. 感謝祢釋放我們讓我們得自由. 求主幫助我們認識我們的身份, 明白祢的旨, 一生跟隨祢. 奉主耶穌基督的名禱告. 阿們!
Understanding the True Meaning of Scripture – 2 Corinthians 3:6 [He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.] [Reason] When reading the Bible, it’s not enough to grasp the literal meaning of the words; we must also discern the deeper intent behind them—the divine message God wants to reveal through the scripture. Jesus said, [The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing] (John 6:63). All work, actions, prayers, and pursuits of truth, if not driven by the Holy Spirit working within us and empowered by Him, are lifeless. The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. We must seek to understand the deeper truth in God’s Word, avoiding superficial interpretations and resisting the trap of becoming rigid modern-day Pharisees. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for giving us the Bible, Your holy Word. We ask You to grant us wisdom and understanding, to open the eyes of our hearts so that as we read the Scriptures, we may come to know You more deeply, comprehend the truth, and understand Your will. Help us to follow Your Word, act in accordance with Your purposes, and bear good testimony through our words and deeds, bringing glory to Your name. Thank You for choosing us to work with the Holy Spirit. Thank You for allowing us to participate in eternal work and for granting us freedom in Christ. Lord, help us to recognize our identity in You, understand Your will, and follow You faithfully throughout our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!