改變生命—-詩篇28:7[耶和華是我的力量, 是我的盾牌, 我心裏倚靠他, 就得幫助.  所以我心中歡樂, 我必用詩歌頌讚他!].  你是否常禱告求主挪去一些不順的環境?其實需要改變的常常不是外在的環境及條件, 而是我們內在的生命.   許多人常被世事纒繞, 沒有功夫禱告. 完全靠自己, 反而枉費力量和精神.  禱告可免得憂慮而睡不著覺.  祈禱用的時間絕不白費, 反而能帶來歡樂.   歷史告訴我們, 法國革命, 英國也革命, 然而法國革命流血, 暴動, 釀成恐怖狀況.  有名的歷史家勒啓說”當時英國可以不落入革命的狀態中, 保持她的有許多原因, 但最顯著的是一種行動強烈的宗教熱忱.  這種熱忱, 是充滿在英國中階和低階社會中間.”  瑞典和挪威能和平分為兩國, 也是兩國人民熱忱祈禱所致.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們需要你, 因為在我們生活中, 常常遇到試探, 災難, 疾病和各種各樣的困境.  很多時候我們沒有辦法面對和解決, 但是我們感謝祢, 因為祢應許我們. 祢是我們的力量和盾牌. 我們有主在我們生命中, 就能夠成為剛強的人, 靠著主也必定能夠得勝有餘, 我們感謝祢.  求主幫助我們在禱告中經歷突破, 眼目不要定睛在困境, 在禱告中, 我們要定睛仰望祢!看見祢是我們的力量, 祢是我們的盾牌!禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Transforming Lives – Psalm 28:7 [The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song, I praise Him.] [Reflection] Do you often pray for God to remove unfavorable circumstances? Often, the real need is not for external conditions to change but for our inner lives to be transformed. Many people become entangled in worldly affairs and neglect prayer. Relying solely on themselves, they waste strength and energy. Prayer, on the other hand, can help alleviate worry and bring peaceful sleep. Time spent in prayer is never wasted; instead, it brings joy and strength. History shows us the power of faith and prayer. During the French Revolution, bloodshed and terror were rampant, but England avoided revolution during the same period. According to historian Lecky, one of the most significant reasons for this was the “intense religious zeal” that permeated the middle and lower classes in England. Similarly, Sweden and Norway’s peaceful separation into two nations was attributed to the earnest prayers of their people. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, We need You because, in our lives, we frequently face temptations, disasters, illnesses, and various challenges. Often, we feel unable to confront or resolve them, but we thank You for Your promise. You are our strength and our shield. With You in our lives, we can become strong and overcome any adversity. We thank You for Your presence. Help us experience breakthroughs in prayer. Teach us not to fix our eyes on the difficulties but to look up to You in prayer. May we see that You are our strength and shield! In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!