言為心聲—-路加福音6:45[善人從他心裏所存的善, 就發出來. 惡人從他心裏所存的惡, 就發出來. 因為心裏所充滿的, 口裏就說出來.] 沒有比漫不經心的說話, 更能彰顯人的心態. 在他天花亂墜之際, 他所說的話最能反映他腦海中第一個印象. 思想自己看到的是什麼?是急迫為前途的奔波?一個期待已久的目標?或是立志要賺大錢的雄心?是否很久沒有關心到周圍的朋友或親人?是否看不到對主的初心, 那股的愛心和熱忱呢?聽一個人的言語如何, 就能知道這個人是如何, 因為言語最能表明一個人的心. 人一生的果效, 都是由心發出, 故須先對付裏面的存心, 外面才會有正常的, 成熟的表現及生活.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們要在祢面前認罪, 承認我們的軟弱. 我們體貼肉體和追求物質的享受, 使我們看不到生了病的屬靈光景. 我們忽略靈修操練. 我們和天父缺少溝通, 我們沒有和弟兄姊妹團契. 彼此關懷和鼓勵. 求主赦免我們. 也求主激勵我們的心. 祢的話語要激勵我們, 使我們覺醒, 要更加的親近祢. 事奉祢. 求主鑒察我們心裏的意念, 好叫我們口中的言語, 能蒙主悅納. 我們若要對付口, 就得先對付心. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名. 阿們!
Words Reflect the Heart – Luke 6:45 [A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.] [Reflection] There is nothing that reveals a person’s attitude more clearly than casual words spoken without much thought. When someone speaks freely, their words often reflect their most immediate and unfiltered impressions. What are your thoughts filled with? Are they consumed by the urgency of chasing after future plans, a long-awaited goal, or the ambition to achieve great financial success? Have you neglected to care for friends or family around you? Have you lost sight of your first love and devotion to the Lord, along with the passion and kindness you once had? By listening to someone’s words, you can often discern their true character, as words are the clearest expression of what resides in the heart. The fruit of a person’s life stems from the condition of their heart. Therefore, it is essential to address the inner heart first before outward actions and expressions can reflect maturity and righteousness. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, We come before You to confess our sins and acknowledge our weaknesses. We have been overly concerned with satisfying our flesh and seeking material comforts, causing us to overlook the unhealthy state of our spiritual lives. We have neglected spiritual disciplines, failed to communicate with You, and lacked fellowship, care, and encouragement with our brothers and sisters. Lord, we ask for Your forgiveness and for You to stir our hearts. May Your Word awaken us, drawing us closer to You and renewing our passion to serve You. Examine the thoughts of our hearts so that the words of our mouths may be pleasing to You. Help us to transform our hearts so that our words may follow. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!