永生的盼望—-彼得前書1:3[願頌讚歸與我們主耶穌基督的父神, 祂曾照自己的大憐憫, 藉耶穌基督從死裏復活, 重生了我們, 叫我們有活潑的盼望.]對一個無神論的人而言, 人的存在是一種偶然, 死亡是一切的結束, 因此沒有一點的盼望.  但是對我們基督徒而言, 死亡卻是另一個美好的開始. 為自己擁有這樣寶貴的信仰獻上讚美吧!當你覺得軟弱無助時, 再次提醒你, 我們是有盼望的人. 活潑指活生生的, 盼望不是指虛無飄渺的期待, 乃是對將來有確實的把握.  盼望來自神的生命, 不是客觀事物的盼望, 乃是主觀生命的盼望.  神永遠的生命, 使盼望得以實化.  盼望又促進神生命的長大成熟.  基督徒的盼望是活生生而可靠的, 因為有主耶穌的復活作保證, 活潑的盼望是現今與將來的橋樑.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們要感謝讚美祢.  因為祢非常疼愛我們, 不輕看我們, 將一切的好處都賜給我們, 使我們在世上有心靈的平安, 在天上有永生的盼望. 我們一無所缺, 就算遭遇苦難, 疾病, 甚至死亡, 我們都不害怕, 因為有主的同在, 又有永生的盼望.  禱告是奉主耶稣基督的名, 阿們!

The Hope of Eternal Life – 1 Peter 1:3 [Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy, He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.] [Reflection] To an atheist, human existence is merely accidental, and death marks the absolute end, leaving no hope whatsoever. However, for us Christians, death is the beginning of something beautiful and eternal. Let us praise God for the precious faith we possess! When you feel weak and helpless, remember that we are people of hope. The term “living” refers to something vibrant and real. This hope is not an abstract or vague expectation but a firm assurance about the future. Hope comes from God’s life—it is not dependent on external circumstances but on an inner life given by God. The eternal life of God makes this hope tangible. Moreover, this hope fosters the growth and maturity of God’s life within us. The Christian hope is alive and dependable because it is guaranteed by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. A living hope serves as a bridge between the present and the future. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank and praise You. You love us deeply and care for us, bestowing all good things upon us. You give us peace in our hearts while we live on this earth and the hope of eternal life in heaven. We lack nothing, and even when faced with suffering, illness, or death, we have no fear because You are with us, and we have the assurance of eternal life. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!