神必供應所需—-詩篇23:1[耶和華是我的牧者, 我必不至缺乏.]上帝永遠知道什麼是最適合我們的, 也會適時供應給我們. 因此在安靜中把此刻的需要一一告訴神, 學會交托祂, 並等候祂的作為. 大衛在這首最美麗的信靠詩裏, 將個人的歷練, 化為精煉的語言, 成為超越種族, 國界, 所有親嘗過神恩滋味人的心聲, 無論是誰, 讀此篇都能得到生命的力量, 奔走人生艱苦的道途. 神是靈魂的牧者, 這首詩充滿抵擋漫漫黑暗與危險的沉著及坦然. 詩中的自得其樂並不是自我陶醉, 而是靈魂的平安, 來自於與永恆無限者的合一. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢. 祢是我們的牧者, 我們是屬於祢的羊群. 我們要聽祢的聲音, 跟隨祢, 祢就必眷顧我們, 施恩給我們. 在我們有困難和需要的時候, 祢都知道, 祢從來不會使我們失望. 必定按時候, 按最適合我們需要的來供應我們. 我們感謝祢, 我們要更多的信靠祢. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

God Will Provide Our Needs – [Psalm 23:1] [The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.] [Reflection] God always knows what is best for us and provides for us at the right time. In moments of stillness, present your needs to Him one by one, learn to entrust them to Him, and wait for His actions. In this beautiful psalm of trust, David transforms his personal experiences into refined language that transcends race and borders, resonating with all who have tasted the goodness of God. Anyone who reads this psalm can draw strength for life’s difficult journey. God is the shepherd of our souls. This psalm is filled with calmness and confidence that withstand the darkness and dangers of life. The joy expressed here is not self-indulgence but peace of the soul, stemming from unity with the eternal and infinite God. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You. You are our Shepherd, and we belong to Your flock. We desire to hear Your voice and follow You, knowing that You will care for us and pour out Your grace upon us. When we face difficulties and needs, You already know, and You never disappoint us. At the right time and in the way that is best for us, You always provide. We are grateful, and we want to trust You even more. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!