神就是愛—-約翰壹書4:7-8[親愛的弟兄啊, 我們應當彼此相愛, 因為愛是從神來的.  凡有愛心的, 都是由神而生, 並且認識神.  沒有愛心的, 就不認識神, 因為神就是愛.]神是愛的源頭. 我們越多運用愛, 生命就越長進, 認識神也越深;生命越長進, 就越能無私的愛人, 也越認識神;越認識神, 就越多流露神的愛, 生命也越成熟.  神就是愛, 因為神的愛是神聖的, 無條件的, 永恆的.  人的愛是世俗的, 有條件的, 短暫的.  我們認識神的祕訣, 就是愛神也愛人. 在愛的實際活用中經歷那位是愛的神.  你是否正在人生的風暴中? 不管風怎麼吹, 神的愛始終不變.  請你牢牢記住[神就是愛]這句話.  在心中不斷的重複這句話, 讓神親自來安慰你, 保護你.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們要稱頌, 敬拜和感謝祢, 因為祢愛我們的心永遠都沒有改變. 無論是在顺境或逆境, 祢的愛都陪伴我們, 安慰激勵我們, 加添力量給我們, 因為祢不願意我們失落沮喪. 祢的愛要成為我們的力量和幫助, 使我們充滿活力和喜樂, 也能夠感染別人, 讓他們也認識祢, 得著祢偉大的愛, 得著平安喜樂的新生命.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

God Is Love – 1 John 4:7-8 [Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.] [Reflection] God is the source of love. The more we practice love, the more our lives grow, and the deeper our knowledge of God becomes. As our lives grow, we are able to love others selflessly and come to know God more. The more we know God, the more we reflect His love, and our lives mature further. God is love because His love is divine, unconditional, and eternal. Human love, in contrast, is worldly, conditional, and temporary. The key to knowing God is to love Him and love others. It is through practicing love that we experience the God who is love. Are you in the midst of a storm in your life? No matter how fiercely the winds blow, God’s love never changes. Hold on tightly to the truth: “God is love.” Repeat this phrase in your heart again and again, allowing God to comfort and protect you personally. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we praise, worship, and thank You, for Your love for us is unchanging. Whether in good times or bad, Your love is always with us, comforting and encouraging us, and giving us strength because You do not want us to fall into despair. May Your love be our source of strength and help, filling us with vitality and joy. Let us spread Your love to others, so they too may know You, experience Your great love, and receive the peace and joy of a new life. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!