一天難處一天當—-馬太福音6:34[不要為明天憂慮, 因為明天自有明天的憂慮; 一天的難處一天當就夠了.]將明天的憂慮成為今天的重擔, 往往讓我們感到寸步難行, 更無法享受生命中的美好.  其實再多的憂慮, 也是無法改變現況.  但若能把握當下的每時每刻, 讓自己全力以赴, 每個明天都將充滿無限的可能.  天國子民要好好活在今天裏, 不該作明天的奴隸.  其實, 明天如何, 我們都不知道, 雅4:14.  天國子民在地上免不了有難處, 約16:33, 所以須要有信心, 而信心是為著今天, 來3:13-14, 不是為著明天.  神並沒有賜給我們多餘的力氣去挑明天的擔子, 不要讓憂慮捆綁你的靈魂, 而要讓神的恩典帶領你每次過一天.  因為憂慮正像明日的的烏雲, 會遮住今日的陽光.  我們所有為明天的憂慮, 都是從想像中產生的.  神的恩典從來只供給實際有困難的人, 而不供給想像中有困難的人.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 感謝祢眷顧和供應我們身心靈的需要, 但我們卻體貼肉體和物資上的需要, 有貪婪的心追求更多, 我們為將來籌劃和擔憂, 為明天的衣食煩惱, 求主光照我們, 不要為明天憂慮, 因為憂慮不能解決問題, 唯有仰望信靠主, 做好今天的事, 就能快快樂樂, 好好的度過每一天.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Handle Each Day’s Trouble Daily – Matthew 6:34 [Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.] [Reflection] Turning tomorrow’s worries into today’s burdens often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and unable to enjoy the beauty of life. No amount of worrying can change the present circumstances. However, if we can focus on living fully in the moment and giving our best effort, each tomorrow will hold infinite possibilities. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we should live well today and not be enslaved by concerns about tomorrow. After all, we do not know what tomorrow holds (James 4:14). While kingdom citizens may face troubles in this world (John 16:33), we must live by faith—and faith is for today (Hebrews 3:13-14), not for tomorrow. God does not give us extra strength to bear the burdens of tomorrow. Do not let worry bind your soul; instead, let God’s grace guide you one day at a time. Worry is like a cloud overshadowing today’s sunshine. All of our worries about tomorrow stem from our imagination, not reality. God’s grace is always sufficient for real, present difficulties—not for imagined ones. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for caring for and providing for our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Yet, we often focus too much on material desires, driven by greed for more. We worry about the future and fret over tomorrow’s needs. Lord, shine Your light on us and remind us not to worry about tomorrow, for worry solves nothing. Instead, teach us to trust in You, focus on doing today’s work well, and live each day joyfully and fully. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!