單純的信心—-箴言3:5[你要專心仰賴耶和華, 不可倚靠自己的聰明.]雖然屬靈的知識不可少, 但是單純的信心, 天父會更喜悦.  思考一下, 自己是不是有滿腹的經文和學識, 卻已失去了起初對主的單純?最能攔阻人得神恩典的, 就是自以為全知道.  人以自己的經驗為可靠, 不肯承認需要幫助.  人沉陷在罪惡中, 卻努力尋求各樣的自救方案, 而拒絕接受基督的救恩.  其實那只是滿足人的驕傲, 就是是撒但古蛇注入人心的餘毒:”能使人有智慧.”創3:6.  從歷史的經驗, 那些自命為”救主”的, 哪個不成為禍源?願我們謙卑自己, 領受神的智慧, 行生命的正路.  當人們遇到困難時, 往往會問為什麼?他們的問題是有根據的, 因為世界上沒有任何事情的發生是偶然的, 神在掌管一切, 不管是撒但還是人類, 都無法走出全能的神允許的範圍.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 雖然我們對聖經的認識不是很深入明白, 但只要我們愛祢, 就只是單純的信心和愛心信靠祢, 祢就悅納我們, 喜愛我們.  賜給我們更多的聰明智慧, 經常讀聖經, 能夠更多的了解神的話語和真道, 也要多多禱告, 親近神. 當走入生活的黑暗迷宮, 困難壓倒我們的靈魂, 但我們知道祢在控制一切.  主啊, 祢既偉大又仁慈, 祢有時不告訴我們原因, 但祢必定給我們救恩的𠄘諾.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名. 阿們!

Simple Faith – Proverbs 3:5 [Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.] [Reflection] While spiritual knowledge is essential, our Heavenly Father delights even more in simple faith. Take a moment to reflect: do you possess a wealth of Scripture and knowledge but have lost the simplicity of your initial faith in the Lord? The greatest obstacle to receiving God’s grace is thinking you know it all. People often rely on their own experience and refuse to admit they need help. They sink into sin and strive to find self-help solutions while rejecting the salvation offered by Christ. Such efforts only serve to satisfy human pride, which originates from the poison Satan, the ancient serpent, injected into humanity: “…you will gain wisdom.” (Genesis 3:6). History shows that self-proclaimed “saviors” inevitably become sources of calamity. Let us humble ourselves, receive God’s wisdom, and walk on the path of life. When facing difficulties, people often ask, “Why?” Their questions are valid because nothing in the world happens by chance. God is in control of everything, and neither Satan nor humanity can act outside of His sovereign will. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You. Though our understanding of the Bible may not be deep, You are pleased with us if we love You with simple faith and trust. Grant us greater wisdom and understanding so that we may read Your Word more often, learn more of Your truth, and pray more frequently to draw closer to You. When life leads us into dark and confusing paths, and difficulties overwhelm our souls, we know that You are in control. Lord, You are both great and merciful. Sometimes, You may not reveal the reasons for our struggles, but You have promised us salvation. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!