將主的話藏在心裏—-詩篇119:11[將主的話藏在心裏, 免得我得罪祢.] 我們是否整天忙碌, 沒有好好熟讀神的話語, 也沒有銘記在心?人若一心尋求神, 就要把神的話藏在心裏. 才有可能順著聖靈而行, 免得得罪神.  因此. 我們僅知道神的話語是不夠的, 還要用各樣的智慧, 把基督的道理豐豐富富的存存在心裏, 這才是屬靈生命最好的保障.  這也是基督徒生活的祕訣.  僅僅理解神的話語還不足以使我們脫離罪惡.  但如果我們把神的話藏在心中, 就有了抵抗和戰勝狡敵的武器.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 求祢赦免我們的軟弱和虧欠, 我們生活在忙碌當中, 沒有更多親近祢.  求主幫助我們, 祢的話是我們腳前的燈, 路上的光, 在我們每天的生活當中, 能夠做我們的力量和指引.  我們要將祢的話常常存在心裏, 行在主的道中.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Hiding God’s Word in Your Heart – Psalm 119:11 [I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.] [Reflection] Are we so busy throughout the day that we fail to read God’s Word and memorize it? If we truly seek God with all our hearts, we must store His Word within us. Only then can we walk in the Spirit and avoid sinning against Him. Merely knowing God’s Word is not enough; we must let the teachings of Christ dwell richly in our hearts with wisdom. This is the best safeguard for a spiritual life and the secret to living as a Christian. Simply understanding God’s Word will not free us from sin, but hiding His Word in our hearts equips us with the weapon to resist and overcome the enemy. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we ask for Your forgiveness for our weaknesses and shortcomings. We live such busy lives and fail to draw closer to You. Lord, help us. Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. May it become our daily strength and guide in all we do. We commit to storing Your Word in our hearts and walking in Your ways. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!