不要自我封閉—-加拉太書5:13[弟兄們, 你們蒙召, 是要得自由.  只是不可將你們的自由當作放縱情欲的機會, 總要用愛心互相服事.] 我們可能一不經心, 也會蓋起圍牆將自己關在其中, 窒息自己而不知自知.  你是否正築墻在封閉自己?學習以服事和關懷代替自我, 你會發現世界上很多人需要你. 服事是現在式, 它是一種繼續不斷的態度和行動.  自由不同於放任, 我們有了自由, 應該用在彼此相愛, 互相服事上.  有自由而無愛心, 自由便會為人誤用, 因為有肉體的情慾在那裏作用.  自由和信心一樣, 要在愛中實踐.  彼此服事, 可以互相激發愛心.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們本是受世界捆綁的人, 不由自主的被生活的擔子和責任擠壓.  感謝祢給我們自由, 不是自由的放縱情欲, 乃是自由的順從聖靈.  求主激發我們的愛心, 融入有需要我們的人群中.  以主的愛關心和服事他們, 彰顯祢的榮耀.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Do Not Isolate Yourself – Galatians 5:13 [You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.] [Reflection] Sometimes, without realizing it, we may build walls and lock ourselves inside, suffocating without being aware of it. Are you isolating yourself behind walls? Learn to replace self-focus with service and care for others, and you’ll discover how many people in the world need you. Service is a present action, an ongoing attitude and practice. Freedom is not the same as indulgence. When we gain freedom, it should be used to love and serve one another. Without love, freedom can be misused due to the desires of the flesh. Like faith, freedom must be expressed through love. Serving one another stirs up love in our hearts and in others. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we were once bound by the pressures and responsibilities of life, unable to free ourselves. Thank You for granting us freedom—not a freedom to indulge the desires of the flesh, but a freedom to follow the Spirit. Lord, inspire our hearts with love and lead us to engage with those in need. Help us care for and serve others with the love of Christ, reflecting Your glory through our actions. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!