得力在乎平靜—-以賽亞書30:15[你們得救在乎歸回安息, 你們得力在乎平靜安穩.]安靜是人最難學的功課, 我們常不知不覺中掉入團團轉的光景, 身心靈精疲力盡.  試著讓自己每天有幾分鐘的安靜坐著, 完全回到神的面前, 享受那一份寧靜和安祥, 並重新得力.  當我們別無出路的時候, 還是回到神面前吧!當我們掙扎無用的時候, 就安息在神裏面吧! 我們可以倚靠, 相信, 祂會, 祂能救我們.  祂不會把投靠祂的人推出去, 看我們困苦危難而不救我們.  當我們疲乏無力時, 讓我們平靜下來, 什麼都不作, 不再動自己的腦筋,  用自己的方法.  那只令我們更疲憊, 只有在神面前安靜下來, 把自己交托在神的手裏.  我們會覺得在裏面有一種特別的力量, 使我們剛強壯膽. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 很多時候我們因為忙碌而忘記親近祢,  我們為生活中遇到的困難和需要就憂愁掛慮, 但是, 還是沒有辦法解決.  求主赦免我們的軟弱, 也求主幫助我們, 要回到天父的面前, 祢說得救是在乎歸回安息, 得力是在乎平靜安穩.  我們願意完全回到祢的面前, 仰望祢, 祢就會伸手救我們, 並且使我們得力.  我們感謝祢, 獻上滿心的感恩.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Strength in Quietness – Isaiah 30:15 In repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust is your strength.] [Reflection] Learning to be quiet is one of the hardest lessons for us. We often unknowingly fall into a constant state of busyness, leaving our body, mind, and spirit utterly exhausted. Try to spend a few minutes each day sitting quietly, fully coming before God, enjoying His peace and calmness, and being renewed in strength. When we find no way out, let us return to God. When our struggles prove fruitless, let us rest in Him. We can rely on Him and trust that He will save us. God will never turn away those who seek refuge in Him, nor will He stand by idly while we face trouble and distress. When we feel tired and powerless, let us calm ourselves, stop trying to think of solutions on our own, and cease using our own methods, which only make us more weary. Instead, let us quiet ourselves before God, surrendering completely into His hands. In His presence, we will experience a special kind of strength that makes us strong and courageous. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, many times we forget to draw close to You because of our busyness. We worry about the difficulties and needs we face in life, yet our worries cannot solve them. Lord, forgive our weaknesses and help us return to Your presence. You have said that salvation is found in repentance and rest, and strength is found in quietness and trust. We are willing to come before You completely, looking to You, knowing that You will reach out to save us and make us strong. We thank You and offer our heartfelt gratitude. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!