安守本份—-詩篇16:8-9[我將耶和華常擺在我面前, 因祂在我右邊, 我便不至動搖.  因此, 我的心歡喜, 我的靈快樂, 我的肉身也要安然居住.] 當人不安於位時, 就是災難的時刻, 讓主當家, 將新的籌畫, 當做的事都交托給主, 我們必得平安喜樂. 全副武裝的戰士用右手拿兵器, 左手持盾.  站在王右邊的, 是享有特權保護他的人.  大衛在詩中講述它怎樣因為著神豐富的的供應, 過著美善的生活, 又因為有神的庇護, 死亡不能奪去他的生命.  大衛都可以有此經歷, 耶穌基督當然更可以, 因此使徒彼得指出詩中所說乃預言基督的復活.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們尊祢為大, 祢統管萬有, 我們願意將自己的生命交托給你.  主啊!我們本性驕傲自大, 若靠著自己必不能成事.  對未來, 我們仍然有許多的未知數, 也會有災難恐慌.  我們需要祢賜給我們順服的心和智慧的靈, 賜給我們為祢做工的身體與力量, 忠心順從祢的旨意, 祢也必賜福給我們.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Staying in Your Place – Psalm 16:8-9 [I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.] [Reflection] When people fail to remain in their proper place, disaster often follows. Let the Lord take charge. Entrust all new plans and tasks to Him, and you will receive peace and joy. A fully armed soldier wields a weapon in his right hand and a shield in his left. The one standing at the king’s right hand is granted the privilege of protecting him. In this psalm, David describes how, because of God’s abundant provision, he enjoys a good and pleasant life. Through God’s protection, even death cannot take his life. If David could experience this, how much more so for Jesus Christ! The apostle Peter identifies this psalm as a prophecy of Christ’s resurrection. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we exalt You, for You are sovereign over all. We willingly entrust our lives to You. Lord, we confess that we are often proud and self-reliant, yet we can achieve nothing on our own. The future remains uncertain, and disasters and fears may arise. We ask You to grant us a submissive heart and a spirit of wisdom. Bless us with the strength and the body to work for You faithfully, and help us obey Your will. We trust You will bless us in return. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!