依靠主永不偏離—-箴言4:23[你要保守你的心勝過保守一切, 因為一生的果效是由心發出.]你現在和以前的光景有何不同?是更好呢?還是更差呢?在主面前, 再次思考一次.  心是人格活動的中心, 是知, 情, 意的根據地.  正如血液通過心臟而傳輸到身體的各個部位一様, 高贵的人格源於心.  不僅如此, 正確的想法, 健康的情緒及有價值的動機, 都會給心靈帶來平安, 而這平安會影響身體, 促進健康.  心靈純瀿是無罪生活的必要條件.  心裏所充滿的善與惡, 會表現在我們的生活之中.  罪就會是放縱心中邪惡和奸詐的慾望.  所以要殷勤地把自己的心交給神, 只有祂能保守人心靈的純潔.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們實在是軟弱可憐的人, 很容易就受了迷惑跌入罪中, 做很多神不喜悅的事.  求主憐憫我們, 幫助我們, 要常常有主同在, 保守我們的心性, 堅定我們的信心, 使我們能夠一生跟隨主, 永不偏離, 使我們遵行主道, 討主喜悦, 讓我們見主面的時候, 能夠坦然無懼, 得主的讚賞.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Trusting in the Lord, Never Straying – Proverbs 4:23 [Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.] [Reflection] How does your current state compare to before? Are you doing better, or worse? Reflect on this before the Lord. The heart is the center of a person’s being and the foundation of knowledge, emotion, and will. Just as blood circulates through the heart to reach every part of the body, a noble character originates in the heart. Not only that, but correct thoughts, healthy emotions, and valuable motives bring peace to the heart, which in turn impacts the body and promotes health. A pure heart is essential for living a sinless life. The good or evil stored in our hearts will manifest in our daily lives. Sin results from indulging in the evil and deceitful desires of the heart. Therefore, we must diligently entrust our hearts to God, as only He can keep our hearts pure. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we are weak and pitiable, easily deceived and prone to fall into sin, doing many things that displease You. Lord, have mercy on us and help us to remain in Your presence. Guard our hearts, strengthen our faith, and guide us to follow You all our lives without straying. May we walk in Your ways and delight You, so that when we stand before You, we may do so with confidence and receive Your commendation. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!