變成小孩—-馬太福音18:3[我實在告訴你们, 你們若不回轉, 變成小孩子的様式的, 斷不得進天國.]我們常常被自己的知識和經驗所牽絆, 以致於一不小心把簡單的事情變得錯綜複雜.  讓我們常用赤孑之心, 來經歷神的作為, 越單純的人越容易看見神跡奇事.  主的意思不是叫他們像小孩般的無知, 不能分辨好壞, 而是要他們像小孩子那樣的謙卑, 這個特徵表現在他們的天真, 單純. 自感微小, 倚靠父母, 肯聽話, 服從等情形.  不是作小孩子, 乃是變成小孩子, 因此能安息於自己眼前的地位, 而不會覺得吃力與吃虧.  主的話指明, 我們的舊人舊性, 在天國沒有容身之處. 因為神阻擋驕傲的人.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們來到祢的面前, 願意好像小孩一樣, 有單純和依靠的信心和態度, 因為我們知道, 靠自己的能力, 我們很多事情都做不到, 我們自以為聰明, 自以為是.  但是我們行出來的卻得不到上帝的喜悅.  求主憐憫和幫助我們, 放下自己, 謙卑的來到主的面前, 讓主的作為和榮耀在我們身上彰顯.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Become Like Children – Matthew 18:3 [Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.] [Reflection] We are often bound by our own knowledge and experience, which can unintentionally complicate simple matters. Let us approach God with a childlike heart to experience His works, as those with simplicity of heart are more likely to witness His miracles. Jesus does not call us to be ignorant or unable to discern between good and evil like small children but to possess the humility of a child. This humility is evident in a child’s innocence, simplicity, sense of dependence on their parents, willingness to listen, and obedience. The command is not to remain as children but to become like children. Such an attitude allows us to rest contentedly in our current place without feeling burdened or disadvantaged. Jesus’ words reveal that our old self and sinful nature have no place in God’s kingdom because God opposes the proud. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we come before You, desiring to be like children, with a simple and trusting faith and attitude. We know that by relying on our own abilities, we often fail. We think we are wise and self-sufficient, yet our actions do not bring You delight. Lord, have mercy on us and help us to let go of ourselves. May we humbly come before You so that Your works and glory may be displayed in our lives. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!