父母的榜樣—-約翰福音13:15[我給你們作了榜樣, 叫你們照著我向你們所做的去做.][理由]榜樣不僅是指所作的事, 並且也指作事的人, 特別是作事之人的存心與態度.  主不是單純叫他們學著那個樣式去作, 也是要他們憑著祂的生命去作, 降卑, 愛弟兄, 進合一的實際.  只有主的生命在人裏面推動. 人才會樂意這樣作.  體貼自己, 愛面, 不顧念別人…這些都是人天然生命中的弱點.  當主的生命在人裏面推動, 人天然的阻也就消退, 人就能照著主作的去做.  父母就是孩子最好的榜樣.  從孩子的身上, 不但可以看到父母的身影, 更可以看出父母的習慣.  因此父母的一言一行豈能不慎乎?[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是我們敬拜的至高至聖的上帝, 主耶穌基督曾經在世上, 為我們立下美好的榜樣.  聖經也教導我們應該如何有好見證和生活, 良好的德行和靈性.  求主幫助我們, 有聖靈的引領, 能夠遵行祢的真道, 也能成為我們下一代的好榜樣, 榮耀主的聖名.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Example of Parents – John 13:15 [I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.] [Reflection] An example is not just about the actions themselves but also the person performing them, especially their intentions and attitude. Jesus did not simply ask His disciples to imitate His actions but to act through His life within them—embracing humility, loving the brothers, and pursuing unity. It is only through the life of Christ working within us that we are willing and able to act in such a way. Natural human tendencies, such as self-centeredness, love of reputation, and disregard for others, are weaknesses of the flesh. However, when Christ’s life moves within us, these natural obstacles fade away, and we can act as Jesus did. Parents are the best examples for their children. A child not only reflects the image of their parents but also inherits their habits. How, then, can parents afford not to be careful in their words and actions? [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the most holy and exalted God we worship. Lord Jesus Christ set a perfect example for us during His time on earth. The Bible teaches us how to live with good testimony, character, and spirituality. Lord, help us, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to follow Your truth and be good examples for the next generation, bringing glory to Your holy name. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!