尊貴的身份—-彼得前書2:9[惟有你們是被揀選的族類, 是有君尊的祭司, 是聖潔的國度, 是屬神的子民, 要叫你們宣揚那個召你們出黑暗, 入奇妙光明者的美德.][理由]你是否忘記了自己是宇宙大君王的兒子?忘了我們有最尊貴的身份? 當耶穌的救贖我們的那一刻, 我們就擁有最不一樣的地位.  不要再低頭嘆息, 抬起頭仰望主的榮光吧!你會重新得著力量.  祭司在拉丁文含有”築橋者”的意思, 信徒都是神的祭司, 在神與人之間作橋樑, 將神顯揚給人, 將人帶到神面前.  基督徒的生活言行, 必須宣揚神的美德, 也就是彰顯神的生命和性情, 並見證神在基督裏所成功的救恩.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝袮, 何等的愛我們的, 賜給我們那麼大的恩典, 能夠成為祢的兒女.  得著祢賜給我們天上的產業和福分, 在世上也可以有平安和喜樂.  我們求天父要幫助我們, 要更加的愛祢和尊重我們的身份, 要宣揚祢的聖名和作為, 讓世人都認識祢, 相信祢, 也能成為神的兒女.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

A Noble Identity – 1 Peter 2:9 [But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.] [Explanation] Have you forgotten that you are a child of the King of the universe? Have you forgotten the noble identity you possess? From the moment Jesus redeemed us, we gained a unique and extraordinary status. Do not bow your head in despair; lift it up and behold the glory of the Lord! You will regain strength. The term “priest” in Latin carries the meaning of “bridge builder.” As believers, we are God’s priests, acting as bridges between God and people—manifesting God to others and bringing people into His presence. The life and actions of Christians must proclaim the virtues of God. This means reflecting God’s life and character and bearing witness to the salvation He accomplished through Christ. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for loving us so deeply and granting us such amazing grace to become Your children. You have given us a heavenly inheritance and blessings, along with peace and joy in this life. We ask You, Father, to help us love You more and honor the noble identity You have given us. May we declare Your holy name and mighty works, so the world may come to know You, believe in You, and also become Your children. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!