渴慕主—-詩篇63:1[神啊!祢是我的上帝!我要切切地尋求祢.  在乾旱疲乏無水之地, 我渴想祢, 我的心切慕祢.][理由]什麼東西在我們生命中有著重要的地位?主在你的生命中是居何等的地位?而在默想中也再次反省思考自己對主的渴慕是達到何種程度?弟兄姊妹當中, 是否有慕道的會眾接觸福音多年, 但仍未接受基督, 是因耶穌未曾與他有個人的關係.  這類朋友遇到困難不知如何是好, 若肯向主祈求, 神或許會施恩憐憫, 但若確知已屬救主, 則必深知主必護佑照顧.  所以, 我們必須弄淸楚, 到底是否與主有個人密切的關係?當我們陷在危難裏, 祂是你的神, 則必定在你左右, 與你同渡苦痛難關.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢對我們的愛是何等的長闊高深, 祢將一切的好處都賜給我們.  我們願意接受祢, 跟從祢.  求祢在我們的心中居首位, 管理我們的一生, 使我們凡事行在祢的旨意中, 不偏離祢的正道, 有主的同在, 也能夠享受主所賜的平安和喜樂的生活.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Longing for the Lord – Psalm 63:1 [O God, You are my God; I earnestly seek You. My soul thirsts for You, my body longs for You, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.] [Reflection] What holds an important place in our lives? What is the position of the Lord in your life? During moments of meditation, let us examine the depth of our longing for Him. Among brothers and sisters, are there seekers who have been exposed to the gospel for years yet have not accepted Christ? This might be because they have never experienced a personal relationship with Jesus. When such friends face difficulties, they may feel lost, not knowing what to do. If they are willing to pray to the Lord, God may show grace and mercy. However, those who are assured of belonging to the Savior deeply understand that the Lord will surely protect and care for them. Therefore, we must clarify: Do we have a close personal relationship with the Lord? When we face danger and challenges, if He is truly your God, He will surely be by your side, walking with you through pain and hardship. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, Your love for us is so wide, long, high, and deep. You have given us every good thing. We are willing to accept You and follow You. Please take the highest place in our hearts and guide our lives. Help us to walk in Your will, not straying from Your righteous path. With Your presence, may we enjoy the peace and joy that You provide. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!