神是我的幫助—約翰福音10:14[我是好牧人, 我認識我的羊, 我的羊也認識我.][理由]當你遇到困難和有需要時, 你常向誰求助呢?我們是神所造的, 唯有祂最了解我們, 也能夠解決我們的問題.  停下來, 讓主幫助你吧!”是”字在原文是現在式, 不是過去式”曾是”,  也不是將來式”將是”.  也不是未定式”或是”.  祂現在是, 祂永遠是.  在主日是, 在一星期中每一天都是;在正月是, 在一年中每一月都是;在家裏是, 在外鄉也是; 在平安時是, 在危險時也是; 在豐餘時是, 在缺乏時也是.  在仕何環境中耶穌都是好牧人. 主與我們信徒之間, 有著一種同一生命的聯合, 交通, 認識和親密的關係.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們稱頌祢.  因為祢是至高至上的主宰, 祢是我們的好牧人, 祢用祢的大愛和能力牧養我們, 使我們在主的裏面有平安喜樂, 使我們每日所需得到供應.  遇到苦難時, 祢又是我們隨時的幫助, 保守我們脫離困境, 我們感謝祢.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

God Is My Helper – John 10:14 [I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.] [Reflection] When you face difficulties or have needs, whom do you turn to for help? We are created by God, and only He truly understands us and can resolve our problems. Stop for a moment and let the Lord help you. The word “am” in the original text is in the present tense. It is not the past tense “was,” the future tense “will be,” or the indefinite “might be.” He is—He always is. He is the Good Shepherd on Sundays and every day of the week; in January and every month of the year; at home and away; in times of peace and danger; in abundance and in need. In every situation, Jesus is always the Good Shepherd. Between the Lord and His believers, there exists a union of shared life, fellowship, understanding, and an intimate relationship. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You, for You are the Sovereign Lord and our Good Shepherd. You shepherd us with Your great love and power, granting us peace and joy in You and providing for our daily needs. In times of hardship, You are our ever-present help, delivering us from distress. We thank You. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!