關心別人的感受—-羅馬書12:15[與喜樂的人要同樂, 與哀哭的人要同哭.][釋義]我們是否只是注意自己的感覺和需要, 沒有顧到別人的心情?耶稣不會用這種態度去看事情的.  求主幫助我們敞開心胸, 多體會周遭人們的需要.  當我們把對方的損益, 看作是自己的損益, 我們才會自然地與對方同哭同樂.  我們的天性傾向妒忌那些在福樂中的人, 又忽視那些哀慟的人.  神的心意卻要我們與周遭的人分享快樂, 分擔憂傷.  悲哀同擔, 負擔減半.  發自內心的淚水傳達了愛. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祈求祢賜給我們有個愛主的心, 遵行祢的旨意, 賜給我們愛人的心, 能夠做他人的好朋友.  分享他們的歡喜快樂和痛苦悲哀, 將福音傳給他們.  使他們能夠在主耶穌裏面得到上好的福分, 得著心靈的需要, 無論順境或逆境. 無論歡喜或悲哀, 有主的同在和保守, 能夠得著安慰和幫助.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Caring for Others’ Feelings – Romans 12:15 [Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.] [Interpretation] Do we focus only on our own feelings and needs, without considering the emotions of others? Jesus would not view things this way. Let us ask the Lord to help us open our hearts and be more aware of the needs of those around us. When we see others’ gains or losses as our own, we naturally rejoice and mourn with them. Our human nature often inclines us to envy those who are joyful and ignore those who are grieving. However, God’s will is for us to share joy and bear sorrow with those around us. Shared sorrow lightens the burden, and tears from the heart convey love. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that You grant us a heart that loves You and seeks to follow Your will. Give us a heart to love others and be a good friend to them. Help us to share in their joys and sorrows, and to bring the gospel to them. May they receive the best blessings in Christ, meeting the needs of their souls. Whether in good times or bad, joy or sadness, with Your presence and care, may they find comfort and help. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!