依靠神—-箴言3:5-6[你要專心仰賴耶和華, 不可依靠自己的聰明, 在你一切所行的事情上都要認定祂, 祂必指引你的路.][釋義]俗話說”靠山山倒, 靠人人倒.” 你是否正為一些事, 想找人指點迷津?把這些掛慮都交托在神的手中, 在安靜中學習放下自己.  並且順從聖靈的帶領.  一個願意放下的人, 路徑就會明顯出來.  全知全能的神, 已預見並作好準備, 應付所有突然降在人身上的患難.  在這種情況下依靠自己的小聰明是很愚蠢的. 不相信自己的小聰明不等於放棄智力和選擇的能力.  從聖經的引導中判斷神的旨意需要智力.  要行走正道到底, 就需要選擇和拒絕的能力.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是何等的偉大, 而我們卻是那樣的微小.  在許多事情上, 我們都會失去方向, 不知所為.  求祢憐悯, 我們要仰望祢, 依賴和信靠祢, 因為我們真正的幫助是從祢而來.  求祢指引我們, 行在祢的旨意中, 不要依靠自己的小聰明, 自以為是, 結果反而失敗, 無路可行.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Relying on God – Proverbs 3:5-6 [Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.] [Interpretation] As the saying goes, “Leaning on a mountain can cause it to crumble; relying on people can lead to disappointment.” Are you currently seeking someone to guide you through difficulties? Instead, entrust your worries into God’s hands. Learn to let go in quietness and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. When a person is willing to surrender, their path will become clear. The all-knowing and all-powerful God has already foreseen and prepared for any sudden troubles that may come upon us. Relying on our limited understanding in such situations is foolish. Not trusting in our own understanding doesn’t mean abandoning intelligence or decision-making abilities. Discerning God’s will through the guidance of Scripture requires wisdom. Walking the straight path to the end also demands the ability to choose and reject wisely. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are so great, while we are so small. In many situations, we lose our direction and feel uncertain about what to do. We ask for Your mercy as we look to You, rely on You, and place our trust in You, for our true help comes from You. Guide us to walk in Your will and not to lean on our own understanding or arrogance, which often leads to failure and dead ends. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!