堅定信仰—-以賽亞書26:3[堅心倚賴祢的, 祢必保守他十分平安, 因為他倚靠祢.][釋義]世間最容易的事是堅持, 最困難的事也是堅持.  信仰的原則一點都不複雜, 重要的是能天天持守, 而且持守到底, 甚至是至死不變.  這不但是順服的態度, 也是信仰的要訣.  十分平安原意是平安, 平安, 好似心靈住在一個廳堂, 有兩重的門, 也是雙層的窗, 將街上的吵鬧聲音都關出去, 那重門也將隔壁的聲音隔絕了, 我們有福分住在神看顧的雙門之內, 祂告訴祢:平安!平安!在主復活的晚上, 祂曾向門徒宣告雙重的平安:和好稱義的平安, 同祂受的創傷, 我們得平安.  我們生活在祂的旨意當中, 讓祂為我們選擇道路.  祂的血與祂的心, 是我們平安的雙重門. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們敬拜尊崇祢, 因為祢是配得唯一的真神.  我們要一生信靠跟隨祢, 雖然我們常常會遇到困難, 試探和誘惑, 求祢堅定我們的信心. 使我們剛強壯膽, 堅持我們所信的到底, 我們又要靠祢的力量, 勝過困難和試探, 過得勝的生活, 榮神益人.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Steadfast Faith – Isaiah 26:3 [You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.] [Interpretation] The easiest thing in the world is to persist, but persistence is also the most difficult. The principles of faith are not complex; what matters is the daily perseverance, continuing steadfastly, even unto death without wavering. This is not only an attitude of obedience but also the essence of faith. The phrase “perfect peace” in its original meaning is peace repeated—“peace, peace.” It is as though the soul resides in a hall protected by two doors and double-paned windows, shutting out the noise from the streets and the sounds from next door. We are blessed to live within the double doors of God’s care, where He assures us: Peace! Peace! On the evening of His resurrection, the Lord declared double peace to His disciples: the peace of reconciliation and justification, which came through His wounds. Living within His will, we let Him choose our path. His blood and His heart are the double doors of peace for us. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we worship and exalt You, for You are the only true God, worthy of all praise. We desire to trust and follow You throughout our lives. Although we often face challenges, temptations, and trials, we ask that You strengthen our faith. Make us strong and courageous, steadfastly holding on to our beliefs. May we rely on Your power to overcome difficulties and temptations, living a victorious life that glorifies You and benefits others. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!