罪已得赦免—-歌羅西書1:14[我們在愛子裏得蒙救贖, 罪過得以赦免.][釋義]當我們𠄘認自己的罪, 就是已得到主完全的赦免了, 撒但不能再拿出來這些事情來破壞我們的信心.  如果你現在還被過去已承認的罪所捆綁. 現在就奉主的名說”耶穌已赦免我全部的罪, 撒但退去吧!”當救贖和赦免都是在耶穌裏得著的, 我們若離棄了耶穌, 就不能得蒙救贖和赦免.  救贖和赦免並不是因為我們的好行為, 乃是藉著耶穌的血, 因此這是一個白白的恩典.  信徒得救之後, 可能還會犯罪跌倒, 但耶穌救贖的功效並未停止, 要緊的是必須認罪悔改, 才能恢復與神的相交. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們獻上滿心的感恩和頌讚, 因為主耶穌的救贖, 我們不被定罪, 而且有了屬天的盼望, 我們的生命不再一樣, 我們活得有意義, 有目標.  求主的話語肯定我們的信心, 使用我們不再受魔鬼的控告和威脅, 我們靠主耶穌已經得勝了.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Forgiveness of Sins – Colossians 1:14 [In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.] [Explanation] When we confess our sins, we have already received complete forgiveness from the Lord. Satan can no longer use these matters to undermine our faith. If you are still bound by sins you have already confessed in the past, declare now in the name of the Lord: “Jesus has forgiven all my sins; Satan, leave me!” Both redemption and forgiveness are found in Jesus. If we turn away from Jesus, we cannot obtain redemption and forgiveness. Redemption and forgiveness are not based on our good deeds but are granted through the blood of Jesus. Therefore, this is a free gift of grace. After believers are saved, they may still sin or stumble, but the redemptive power of Jesus does not cease. What matters is confessing and repenting to restore fellowship with God. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we offer You our heartfelt gratitude and praise. Because of the redemption of the Lord Jesus, we are no longer condemned and have a heavenly hope. Our lives are no longer the same—we live with meaning and purpose. May Your Word affirm our faith and empower us to resist the accusations and threats of the devil. Through the Lord Jesus, we have already triumphed. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!