行善不要灰心—-加拉太書6:9[我們行善, 不可喪志; 若不灰心, 到了時候就要收成.][釋義]你是屬於哪一種心態?是積極的, 還是消極的.  面對行善的機會, 你是如何看待?你周圍的人是否需要神的愛和耶穌基督的救恩?求主賜一顆愛靈魂的心, 讓我們能為周圍的人多付上一些心力.  到了時候就要收成, 未指出是什麼時候, 但最遲不會遲過主再來的時候, 許多行善的果子是我們眼前所能看見的, 但到了時候表示, 行善的收成是有時候的, 需要等候的, 不能急求立即收成, 正如撒種需要等待收成一樣.  信徒行善, 應當志不在眼前的回報, 乃在將來神給的獎賞.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們是何等的軟弱, 我們做事有時一開始就灰心, 或者遇到困難就放棄, 有時又不能堅持到底, 導致辦事不利, 沒有果效.  求主憐憫我們, 加添力量和信心給我們, 有勇氣擔起責任, 為傳福音的大使命做見證, 領人歸主.  以行善榮耀主的聖名.禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Do Not Grow Weary in Doing Good – Galatians 6:9 [Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.] [Explanation] What is your attitude? Are you positive or negative? How do you approach opportunities to do good? Do the people around you need God’s love and the salvation of Jesus Christ? Pray for the Lord to give you a heart that loves souls so that you may invest more effort into the people around you. The phrase “at the proper time we will reap a harvest” does not specify when, but it will not be later than the Lord’s return. Many fruits of doing good are visible in the present, but the promise of a harvest reminds us that it takes time and patience, much like sowing seeds and waiting for them to grow. When believers do good, their focus should not be on immediate rewards but on the rewards God will give in the future. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we are so weak. Sometimes we grow discouraged at the start, give up when facing difficulties, or fail to persevere to the end, resulting in failure and a lack of fruit. Lord, have mercy on us and strengthen our faith and courage. Help us take responsibility and bear witness to the Great Commission, leading others to You. May our good deeds glorify Your holy name. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!