治病救人—-馬克福音2:17[耶穌聽見, 就對他們說:康健的人用不著醫生, 有病的人才用得著.  我來本不是召義人, 乃是召罪人.][釋義]耶穌啓示祂是醫生, 表明祂是以醫生醫治病人的態度, 而不是以法官審判犯人的態度來對待世人.  換言之, 祂對待世人不是根據公義, 乃是根據憐憫和恩典.  要作基督徒, 得先以病人的資格進來, 然後才能以護士的資格去幫助人.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢拯救我們成為祢的兒女, 求聖靈幫助我們, 激勵我們有愛靈魂的心, 我們周圍有許多不信主的親戚朋友, 他們都需要耶穌, 需要救恩, 需要永生的盼望, 需要我們將福音傳給他們.  求主賜給我們智慧, 愛心和勇氣, 有生命的見證, 將耶穌的救恩傳給他們.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Healing the Sick and Saving Lives – Mark 2:17 [Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”] [Explanation] Jesus reveals Himself as a physician, showing that His approach to humanity is like that of a doctor healing the sick, not a judge condemning criminals. In other words, He treats people not based on strict justice but on mercy and grace. To become a Christian, one must first come as a “patient” in need of healing before being equipped to serve others as a “nurse.” [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for saving us and making us Your children. We ask the Holy Spirit to help and inspire us with a heart that loves souls. Many of our relatives and friends who do not yet believe in You need Jesus, need salvation, and need the hope of eternal life. They need us to share the gospel with them. Lord, grant us wisdom, love, and courage to be living witnesses and to proclaim the salvation of Jesus to them. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!