最短的禱告—-馬太福音14:30[主啊, 救我.][釋義]彼得將要沉下去的時候, 他就喊了那麼一聲, Lord, save me, 很簡單的主啊救我.  彼得的禱告能成為我們的禱告.  他是有對象的, 他不是憑空喊叫的, 他說主啊!來向宇宙的主宰, 萬有的主宰, 我們的主, 萬王之王, 萬主之主的禱告. 沒有大道理, 我們就是降卑在主的面前, 𠄘認我們需要幫助.  最短的禱告, 卻產生了一個最及時, 最積極, 最有效的結果.  耶穌一把把彼得拉起來.  我們都有可能沉下來的時候.  我們要用最短, 最及時, 最積極, 最有效果的禱告, 經歷主的拯救, 可以與主一起凌駕風浪, 走回到船上去, 經歷到主的恩典.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 感謝祢透過本節經文的學習, 讓我們感受到主耶穌的憐憫, 也看見主耶穌五餅二魚的豐盛供應.  感謝祢賜下聖靈. 讓我們能夠隨時有聖靈內住, 保守我們的心思意念, 也求祢原諒我們信心微弱, 但我們仍會不斷尋求主, 呼求主啊!救我.  在祢的扶持下, 傳揚祢的福音, 為主做見證.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Shortest Prayer – Matthew 14:30 [Lord, save me!] [Explanation] When Peter was about to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” It was a simple prayer, yet deeply powerful. Peter’s prayer can also be ours. He had a clear object of his plea—he wasn’t calling into the void but crying out to the Lord, the Master of the universe, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. No elaborate words were needed; he humbled himself before the Lord, acknowledging his need for help. This shortest prayer brought about the most timely, effective, and positive result: Jesus immediately reached out and lifted Peter up. There will be times when we too feel like we are sinking. In those moments, we can pray the shortest and most heartfelt prayer, experiencing the Lord’s deliverance. With His help, we can rise above the storms and walk back to the safety of the boat, witnessing His grace. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for the lesson in this verse, showing us the mercy of Jesus and the abundant provision through the miracle of the five loaves and two fish. Thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit, who dwells within us, guarding our hearts and minds. We ask for forgiveness for our weak faith, but we will continue to seek You and cry out, “Lord, save me!” With Your support, may we share the gospel and bear witness to Your love. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!