將憂慮卸給主—-彼得前書5:7[你們要將一切的憂慮卸給神, 因為祂顧念你們.][釋義]縱使生活有再多的不如意, 也要盡力使自己保持有一顆喜樂的心, 與其每天心懷怨恨, 愁容滿面, 還不如改變想法, 樂觀自在地過日子.  憂慮是罪, 因為憂慮否定神的愛, 認為祂不會顧念我們; 憂慮是罪, 因為憂慮否定神的能力, 認為祂不能解決我們的問題.  憂慮是不必要的, 因為神既願意並能夠替我們肩負重擔, 我們就毋須將擔子扛在自己的肩頭上; 憂慮是毫無作用的, 因為憂慮不能解決問題.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢關懷親切的大愛, 雖然我們常常對每天生活, 工作和家庭中的瑣事煩惱, 發牢騷, 埋怨. 使我們心裏不愉快和愁煩, 我們願意將這一切交托給主, 求主挪去我們心思意念的煩惱.  祢的話安慰我們, 使我們有個心胸廣闊, 開朗的心, 輕鬆喜樂度過每一天.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Casting Your Cares on the Lord – 1 Peter 5:7 [Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.] [Explanation] Even if life is full of disappointments, strive to maintain a joyful heart. Instead of harboring resentment or wearing a gloomy face every day, change your mindset and live with optimism and peace. Worry is a sin because it denies God’s love, implying that He doesn’t care for us. It also denies God’s power, suggesting He cannot solve our problems. Worry is unnecessary because God is both willing and able to bear our burdens; there’s no need to carry them on our shoulders. Worry is ineffective because it cannot solve any problem. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your tender and caring love. Though we often fret over the trivial matters of daily life, work, and family, grumbling and complaining, which leave us feeling unhappy and burdened, we choose to cast all these concerns onto You. Lord, please take away the anxieties from our minds and hearts. Your Word comforts us, giving us an open, cheerful heart to embrace each day with ease and joy. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!