神有答案—-箴言2:6[因為耶和華賜人智慧, 知識和聰明都由祂口而出.][釋義]有時我們絞盡脑汁, 很多的問題仍不得解決.  但是在神那裏卻有無窮的智慧, 祂甚至會藉著一些我們想不到的辦法, 改變了現況.  如果你正碰到一些難題, 好好地在神面前安靜下來, 不急著想辦法, 而是學習仰望祂, 用一顆渴慕的心等候祂.  不想答案時, 往往答案就出來了.  誠心尋求真理的人, 一定會找到智慧.  神是智慧的源泉.  祂的大愛, 使祂獎賞一切歸向祂的人.  智慧是神所賜予的, 不是純粹人類的能力, 或努力的結果.  神樂意賜人智慧. 努力尋求的人便得著了.  認識了神就自然知道生活的正道, 在心靈和道德上做到純全無瑕.  有真智慧者, 必蒙神保守.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是我們的依靠和幫助. 祢是聰明智慧和知識的源頭.  每當我們遇到難題或抉擇的時候, 我們就會心裏恐慌, 不知所措.  但神祢總是會引領我們, 眷顧我們.  我們要仰望祢, 敬畏袮, 從祢領受智慧, 使我們明白祢的心意, 行在祢的旨意中.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

God Has the Answer – Proverbs 2:6 [For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.] [Explanation] Sometimes, no matter how much we rack our brains, we cannot solve our problems. However, God possesses infinite wisdom, and He often changes circumstances in ways we could never imagine. If you are facing challenges, take time to quiet yourself before God. Instead of rushing to find solutions, learn to look to Him and wait with a heart full of longing. Often, the answers appear when you stop striving for them. Those who sincerely seek truth will surely find wisdom, for God is the source of wisdom. His great love rewards all who turn to Him. Wisdom is a gift from God, not merely a result of human effort or ability. God is pleased to give wisdom, and those who diligently seek it will find it. Knowing God leads to understanding the right path in life and allows one to live with integrity and purity. Those with true wisdom will be safeguarded by God. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are our refuge and help. You are the source of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Whenever we face difficulties or tough decisions, our hearts become anxious, and we feel lost. Yet, You always guide and watch over us. We look to You and revere You, seeking Your wisdom so that we may understand Your will and walk in Your ways. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!