勒住舌頭—-箴言10:19[多言多語, 難免有過; 禁止嘴唇, 是有智慧.][釋義]舌頭是很難控制的器官, 有向善或向惡的巨大能潛力.  一個人如果信口開河, 就可能陷入多種罪惡之中.  誇誇其談往往是廢話連篇, 歪曲事實.  愛奢談, 受招搖的人常常會造謠生非.  聰明人會仔細斟自己的言談, 知道有朝一日他要為自己所說的話交帳.舌頭在百體中是最小的. 卻能說大話, 會污穢全身.  我們要在主面前反省, 自己在話語上是否有得罪神, 得罪人, 並求聖靈光照我們在想說一些不造就的話之前, 能勒住自己的舌頭.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢給我們舌頭, 可以說話表達我們的心意, 與人溝通.  求主赦免我們, 很多時候說話得罪和傷害別人, 說抱怨和咒詛的話.  求主幫助我們, 要說有智慧的話, 要有溫柔說安慰, 鼓勵和造就人的話,  贊美神的話, 述說神在我們身上的恩典.讓我們在言語上不得罪人, 也不得罪神. 禱告是奉主基督的名, 阿們!

Controlling the Tongue – Proverbs 10:19 [When words are many, sin is not absent, but whoever restrains their lips is wise.] [Reflection] The tongue is one of the hardest parts of the body to control, yet it has immense potential for both good and evil. A person who speaks recklessly may fall into various sins. Excessive talking often leads to idle words, distortion of truth, or even malicious gossip. Those who love to chatter and boast often spread rumors and create trouble. A wise person carefully considers their words, recognizing that one day they will have to give an account for what they say. Though small, the tongue can boast of great things and defile the entire body. We must reflect before the Lord: have our words offended God or hurt others? Let us ask the Holy Spirit to guide us, so that before we speak anything unwholesome or unedifying, we can restrain our tongues. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for giving us the gift of speech, allowing us to express our thoughts and communicate with others. Lord, forgive us for the times our words have offended or hurt others, for speaking words of complaint or curses. Help us to speak with wisdom, to use gentle words that comfort, encourage, and build others up. Let our speech glorify You and declare the grace You have shown us. May we not sin with our words, neither against others nor against You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!