仰望主—-詩篇25:15[我的眼目時常仰望耶和華, 因為他必將我的腳從網裏拉出來.][釋義]網指生活中的困苦和困窘, 好像野獸落在捕捉它的網中.  網比喻人生的愁苦和困擾.  仰望含有信心, 盼望, 敬畏, 羨慕, 驚奇, 默想和親愛.  你是否正很努力的想超越一些事情?可能是工作, 學業或是家庭, 婚姻或教會事奉的問題, 還有我們現在面對社會, 國家和政治問題.  讓我們學習定睛在主身上, 抬頭仰望主, 你會發現很多問題將迎刃而解.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們的生命是屬於祢的.  雖然生命當中常常遇見各種各樣的困難和考驗.  但是, 主祢都知道我們一切所經過的.  袮知道我們的痛苦, 所受的一切壓力.  主啊!我們等候, 定睛在祢身上的人, 必定會得主的拯救, 使我們脫離一切的苦難.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

oking to the Lord – Psalm 25:15 [My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only He will release my feet from the snare.] [Reflection] The “snare” refers to the hardships and difficulties of life, much like an animal trapped in a hunter’s net. It symbolizes the troubles and challenges we face in our lives. To “look to the Lord” conveys faith, hope, reverence, admiration, wonder, meditation, and love. Are you currently striving hard to overcome certain challenges? It could be related to work, studies, family, marriage, ministry, or even societal, national, or political issues. Let us learn to fix our eyes on the Lord. Lift your gaze to Him, and you will find that many problems will resolve more easily than expected. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, our lives belong to You. Though we often face various difficulties and trials in life, Lord, You know everything we are going through. You see our pain and the pressures we endure. Lord, those who wait on You and fix their eyes on You will surely experience Your salvation. You will deliver us from all our troubles. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!