聆聽主話—-以賽亞書50:4[…主每早晨提醒, 提醒我的耳朵, 使我能聽, 像受教者一樣.][釋義]聆聽是基督徒最忽略的一項屬靈操練, 我們的禱告常是自己滔滔不絕的傾訴.  在安靜中, 讓自己的心保持平和, 學習聽神的聲音.  聖靈的聲音常是微小的, 你越平靜, 聆聽也越清楚. 耳朵具備聽覺的功能, 是領悟事情不可或缺的器官.  耳朵對聖徒有著重要意義, 因為神藉著啓示或話語作工.  彌賽亞道成肉身來到世界, 於天尚未亮時, 在開始一天事工之前, 與神進行深切的屬靈交通, 借著這樣的交通, 彌賽亞得到能力, 駕馭肉體的情欲, 擔當神所託付的使命.  每早晨指開始一天事工前的清晨, 也是意味著神的教導從不間斷.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢賜給我們一雙耳朵, 可以聆聽聲音, 與人彼此溝通, 彼此勉勵和學習.  我們求主打開我們屬靈的耳朵, 可以聽見神的聲音, 聖靈的說話, 幫助我們屬靈生命成長.  使我們能夠明白神的心意, 指導我們所做所行, 能夠得神的喜悅.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Listening to the Lord – Isaiah 50:4 […He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.] [Explanation] Listening is one of the most overlooked spiritual disciplines among Christians. Our prayers are often filled with our own endless words. In moments of stillness, we should quiet our hearts and learn to listen to God’s voice. The voice of the Holy Spirit is often gentle and subtle; the quieter we become, the more clearly we can hear it. Ears, as vital organs for hearing, are essential for understanding and perceiving things. For the saints, ears hold great significance because God works through His revelations and His Word. The Messiah, in His incarnation, rose early every morning—before the day’s work began—for deep spiritual communion with God. Through such communion, He gained strength to overcome the desires of the flesh and to carry out the mission entrusted to Him by God. “Morning by morning” signifies the early hours before the start of daily work, and it also emphasizes that God’s teaching is unceasing. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for giving us ears to hear, allowing us to communicate, encourage, and learn from one another. Lord, we ask You to open our spiritual ears so that we may hear Your voice and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Help us grow in our spiritual lives, understand Your will, and follow Your guidance in all that we do so that we may please You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!