背負重擔—-馬太福音11:28[凡勞苦擔重擔的人. 可以到我這裏來, 我就使你們得安息.][釋義]如果你正被許多重擔壓得喘不過氣來, 別忘了你正在救恩的列車上.  閉上雙眼, 把這些力不能勝的事情, 一件一件交托在主手中, 因祂樂意承擔你一切的重擔.  凡勞苦擔重擔的人指所有世人的實際情況, 不只有生活上的勞苦, 並且有罪惡的重擔.  惟有來到主面前的人, 才會得著真正的安息.  並且最要緊的是, 我們的心要來.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢以永遠不變的愛來愛我們.  祢知道我們常常在生活中被許多重擔和壓力欺壓我們, 使我們透不過氣. 但主耶穌祢是我們的避難所和隨時的幫助, 祢要為我們擔當我們的重擔.  使我們得到釋放, 在主裏得到安息和平穩.  我們感謝主, 也願意將一切的重擔交托給祢, 永遠跟隨祢.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Bearing Burdens — Matthew 11:28 [Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.] [Explanation] If you feel overwhelmed by many burdens, remember that you are on the train of salvation. Close your eyes and entrust these overwhelming matters, one by one, into the hands of the Lord, for He is pleased to bear all your burdens. The “all who labor and are heavy laden” refers to the real condition of all humanity. It not only includes the hardships of life but also the heavy burden of sin. Only those who come to the Lord will find true rest. Most importantly, we must bring our hearts to Him. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for loving us with an unchanging, eternal love. You know that we are often weighed down and oppressed by many burdens and pressures in life, leaving us breathless. Yet, Lord Jesus, You are our refuge and ever-present help, willing to carry our burdens. Grant us release and allow us to find rest and peace in You. We thank You, Lord, and willingly entrust all our burdens to You, committing to follow You forever. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!