謙卑順服—-彼得前書5:5[你們年幼的也要順服年長的.  就是你們眾人也都要以謙卑束腰, 彼此順服, 因為神要阻擋驕的人, 賜恩給謙卑的人.][釋義]謙是上帝所喜悅的美德, 一時的相让可以顧全大局.  此時此刻你是否有些事情正讓你為難?退一步海澗天空, 讓主耶練謙卑的榜樣成為你我效法的對象.  年幼與年長, 不僅限於實際年齡, 在倫理上也可應用於蒙恩年日的長短, 以及靈性的成熟程度.  驕傲的人就是把自己放在與神對立的位置上, 這樣當然被神阻擋了.  反之, 我們若要𠄘受神的恩典, 就要謙卑, 謙卑等於給神機會, 讓祂可以多多賜恩給我們, 並把我們升高.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是我們的主, 我們所敬律的神, 求祢賜給我們謙卑的心, 使我們聽從祢的教导, 順服祢的旨意. 學習耶穌的榜樣, 使我們對人謙虛不驕傲, 有溫柔良善的心. 和朋友相交有和睦相愛和尊敬的態度.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Humility and Obedience — 1 Peter 5:5 [You who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.] [Explanation] Humility is a virtue that pleases God. A moment of yielding can preserve the greater good. Are you facing a situation that troubles you right now? Take a step back and gain a broader perspective. Let the Lord Jesus’ example of humility inspire us to follow Him. The terms “younger” and “elder” are not limited to physical age but can also apply to the duration of one’s faith journey or level of spiritual maturity. The proud place themselves in opposition to God, which naturally results in being resisted by Him. On the other hand, to receive God’s grace, we must be humble. Humility creates opportunities for God to bestow greater grace and lift us up. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are our Lord and the God we revere. Please grant us humble hearts that are willing to listen to Your teachings and obey Your will. Help us learn from Jesus’ example so that we can approach others with humility and gentleness, free from pride, with kind and good hearts. May our relationships with friends be filled with peace, love, and mutual respect. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!