神美好的旨意—-約翰福音13:7[耶穌回答說:我所做的, 你如今不知道, 後來必明白.][釋義]許多時候, 我們未能明白神的計劃和旨意, 但若能順服與接受主所給的, 並從心裏相信愛我們的主知道, 什麼是對我們最有益, 是最好的.  許多事情, 在真相大白之前, 最好不要妄下斷語.  知道指裏面主觀的知覺.  明白指外面客觀的認識. 有一件事我們知道就夠了, 那就是主耶穌愛我們並愛我們到底.  祂所作都是出於祂的愛, 目的叫我們得益處.  我們若愛神, 順服祂的旨意, 萬事就更互相效力, 叫我們得益處, 後來也必明白.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們讚美祢, 祢是獨一無二的真神.  祢掌管萬有, 一切從祢而來, 都有祢美好的旨意和安排, 雖然很多時候我們不明白, 我們看不到眼前的好處. 但是, 至終我們也必看到祢成全的美意.  祢讓萬事都互相效力, 叫愛神的人得益處.  我們感謝和順服祢的旨意.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

God’s Good Will — John 13:7 [Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”] [Explanation] Many times, we may not understand God’s plans and purposes. However, if we can submit to and accept what the Lord gives, and trust wholeheartedly that the Lord who loves us knows what is best for us, we will find peace. Before the truth is fully revealed, it is often best to refrain from making premature judgments. The term “realize” refers to an inward, subjective awareness, while “understand” points to outward, objective recognition. There is one truth we can hold onto: the Lord Jesus loves us and loves us to the very end. Everything He does stems from His love, and His purpose is always for our benefit. If we love God and obey His will, all things will work together for good, and eventually, we will understand His perfect plan. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You, for You are the one and only true God. You rule over all, and everything from You carries Your good purpose and perfect plan. Though we often do not understand and cannot see immediate benefits, we trust that in the end, we will see the beauty of Your work fulfilled. You make all things work together for good for those who love You. We thank You and submit to Your will. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!