天天感恩—-詩篇103:2[我的心哪, 你要稱頌耶和華, 不可忘記祂的一切恩惠!][釋義]要檢討自己的禱告, 是否常有祈求. 卻沒有感恩?此時, 若你開始數算恩典的話, 你將會發現在一天當中, 有太多可以向主獻上感恩的事.  在生活中, 有時我們也常常因為一些小挫折而心煩意亂, 而忘了主給我們無數的恩典與祝福.  我們被生命中的災難抓住了視線, 使我們對那些美好的事物視而不見.  困境無論大或小, 不要失望, 因為主必得勝.  不斷的數算恩典, 主必保守安慰幫助你, 直到人生盡頭.  要數算恩典, 不讓生活中的苦難蒙蔽你靈魂的眼睛.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們獻上感恩, 祢對我們的愛是何等的長闊高深, 給我們救恩, 保護看顧我們, 免受災害, 供應我們所需要的, 當我們數算祢的恩典, 真是數算不清.  求主幫助我們, 天天禱告的時候要獻上讚美, 認罪和祈求, 更加不要忘記獻上感恩, 也學習凡事謝恩.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Daily Gratitude — Psalm 103:2 [Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all His benefits.] [Explanation] Examine your prayers: do they often contain requests but lack gratitude? If you start counting your blessings, you will realize how many things in a single day you can give thanks to the Lord for. In life, we sometimes let small setbacks disturb us, forgetting the countless blessings and grace the Lord has given us. We often focus on the challenges and fail to see the beauty and goodness around us. No matter how big or small the difficulties, do not despair, for the Lord will overcome. Continuously count your blessings, and the Lord will sustain, comfort, and help you until the end of your journey. Let not the hardships of life blind your soul to His goodness. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we offer our gratitude. How vast and deep is Your love for us! You have given us salvation, protected us from harm, and provided for all our needs. As we count Your blessings, we find they are too numerous to measure. Lord, help us to always include thanksgiving in our prayers, alongside praise, confession, and requests. Teach us to give thanks in all circumstances and never forget Your goodness. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!