不單聽道要行道—-雅各書1:22[只是你們要行道, 不要單單聽道,自己欺哄自己.][釋義]頭腦的知識不等於心裏的認識, 往往我們知道太多的道理, 但我們卻沒有行出來的能力與動力.  求主幫助我們在每天的生活中, 將神的話實踐出來.  要行道, 這句話表明基督教始終是活著的宗教, 是生命的宗教.  人的心靈與智慧是有限的, 我們無法完全理解無限與永恆的上帝.  重要的不在於懂得多少有關生命奧祕的知識, 而在於於將上帝所教導我們的話付諸實踐.  當我們如此做時, 我們將成為上帝所喜悅的人.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢揀選的我們, 有福氣成為祢的兒女, 又賜給我們聖經, 從當中能夠更加的認識祢, 也明白真理和祢的心意.  求聖靈幫助我們, 要將聖經的教導實行在每日的生活中, 使我們不是單單聽道, 也要行道, 活出基督的樣式, 生活有美好的見解, 榮耀主的聖名.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Be Doers of the Word, Not Hearers Only — James 1:22 [Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.] [Explanation] Head knowledge does not equal heart understanding. Often, we know many truths, but we lack the ability or motivation to act on them. We must ask the Lord to help us practice His Word in our daily lives. To “do the Word” highlights that Christianity is a living faith—a religion of life. Human wisdom and understanding are limited; we cannot fully comprehend the infinite and eternal God. What matters is not how much we know about life’s mysteries, but whether we put God’s teachings into action. When we do, we become people who delight the Lord. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for choosing us and blessing us to be Your children. You have given us the Bible so that we can know You better, understand the truth, and discern Your will. We pray for the Holy Spirit’s help to put the teachings of Scripture into practice in our daily lives. May we not only hear the Word but also live it out, reflecting Christ’s image in our actions. Let our lives bear a good testimony and bring glory to Your holy name. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!