重新得力—-以弗所書6:13[所以要拿起神所賜的全副軍裝, 好在磨難的日子, 抵擋仇敵, 並且成就了一切, 還能站立得住.][釋義]默想的操練就是為了裝備我們的靈性保持在最佳狀態, 預備面對挑戰和試探, 也能夠為了主有更美好的事奉.  每天花一些時間, 靜坐在一角, 透過讀經, 釋義, 聆聽聖樂和平靜的禱告, 讓自己在主面前有片刻的安靜, 天天靠著主重新得力.  信徒與超自然的力量作戰, 需要神的全副裝備. 在戰鬥的勝敗關鍵抵擋強敵, 信徒可以一一勝過, 生活得更堅強, 對神的供應更有信心.  不但自己站立得住, 還可以成為他人的支援力量.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們來到祢的面前向祢祈求.  我們承認自己的軟弱和信心不足, 求主引领我們, 每天有時間親近祢, 安靜的讀經, 默想和禱告.  讓我們從主領受聖靈的能力. 信心得剛強, 能夠抵擋魔鬼的詭計. 得勝有餘.  使我們靈命長進, 能夠獻上更美好的事奉. 榮神益人.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Renewed Strength — Ephesians 6:13 [Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.] [Explanation] The practice of meditation equips our spirits to remain in peak condition, preparing us to face challenges and temptations, and enabling us to serve the Lord more effectively. Dedicate some time each day to sit quietly in a corner, engaging in Scripture reading, reflection, listening to sacred music, and peaceful prayer. Through these moments of stillness before the Lord, we can draw strength from Him daily. Believers fight against supernatural powers and need God’s full armor for the battle. With His provision, we can stand firm against strong adversaries, overcome challenges, and live with greater strength and confidence in God’s supply. Not only will we stand firm, but we can also become a source of strength for others. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we come before You in prayer. We confess our weaknesses and lack of faith, and we ask for Your guidance. Help us to spend time with You daily, quietly reading Scripture, meditating, and praying. May we receive the power of the Holy Spirit from You, that our faith may be strengthened to resist the devil’s schemes and be victorious in every trial. Help us grow spiritually so we can offer greater service to You, glorify Your name, and benefit others. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!