忍耐等候與堅持—-雅各書5:7-8[弟兄們哪, 你們要忍耐, 直到主來.  看哪, 農夫忍耐等候地裏寶貴的出產, 直到得了秋雨春雨.  你們也當忍耐, 堅固你們的心, 因為主來的日子近了.][釋義]許多事本不是一下子可以做到, 需要耐心等候與堅持. 只要願意付上努力的代價,  你就可以享受到與神同行的美好與甘甜.  基督徒惟有存著感謝的心和謙卑的靈, 來領受神在我們生命中一切的帶領與安排, 在任何境遇中, 都須忍耐著仰望神的憐憫和恩典.  基督徒一面盡其在我, 竭力工作, 一面存心忍耐, 仰望那為我們信心創始成終的耶穌, 到了時候, 聖靈必要親自成全我們, 作成祂的工.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢賜給我們的恩典夠用, 在日常生活中, 我們常常會忙碌於家事, 公事和私事中, 而忽略了與主相交.  求主赦免, 也幫助我們, 有堅定持守的心, 常常默想主的話語, 領導受主的教导, 知道主會再來.  我們更加要在信心和盼望中, 操練我們的耐心, 儆醒等候和隨時準備, 迎接主再來的日子.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Patience, Waiting, and Perseverance — James 5:7-8 [Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.] [Explanation] Many things in life cannot be accomplished instantly—they require patience, waiting, and perseverance. If you are willing to pay the price of effort, you can experience the sweetness of walking closely with God. As Christians, we must receive God’s guidance and plans for our lives with gratitude and humility. In every situation, we are called to patiently rely on God’s mercy and grace. While diligently working and doing our part, we must also persevere in faith, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. At the right time, the Holy Spirit will complete His work in us. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your sufficient grace. In our daily lives, we often become busy with household responsibilities, work, and personal matters, neglecting our fellowship with You. Please forgive us and help us maintain a steadfast heart, regularly meditating on Your Word and following Your teachings. Knowing that You will come again, may we strengthen our faith and hope, practicing patience, staying alert, and always being ready to welcome the day of Your return. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!