常常禱告—-以弗所書6:18[靠著聖靈, 隨時多方禱告祈求, 並要在此警醒不倦, 為眾聖徒祈求.][釋義]禱告不單是把你所需要的告訴神, 更多是藉由此與神心靈的溝通, 愛的傾談.  一個真誠愛主的人, 絕對不會以”忙”來推辭與主親近, 也不會把禱告當成”報告”.  禱告不應受時間, 環境和方式的限制.  出聲或不出聲, 大聲或小聲, 讚美或哀求, 單獨或與眾人, 站著或跪著, 開眼或閉眼, 都可以禱告.  不論在平安或危險時, 在軟弱或剛強時, 在順境或逆境時, 在喜樂或愁苦時, 都應當禱告. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 賜給我們禱告的權利.  使我們可以藉著禱告與主交談, 獻上我們的讚美和感恩, 也靠著聖靈多方禱告祈求.  使我們與主更加親近, 也使我們的靈命得著滋潤.  使我們能夠得著聖靈的能力, 做剛強的人, 凡事都能做, 我們感謝天父垂聽我們的禱告.  禱告是奉主耶稣基督的名, 阿們!

Pray Always — Ephesians 6:18 [And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.] [Explanation] Prayer is not merely a way to tell God your needs; it is a spiritual communication with Him, a loving conversation. A sincere lover of the Lord would never use “busyness” as an excuse to avoid drawing close to Him, nor treat prayer as a mere “report.” Prayer should not be constrained by time, environment, or method. Whether spoken or silent, loud or soft, in praise or supplication, alone or with others, standing or kneeling, with eyes open or closed, all forms of prayer are acceptable. We should pray in all circumstances—whether in peace or danger, in weakness or strength, in prosperity or adversity, in joy or sorrow. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for the privilege of prayer. Through prayer, we can communicate with You, offering our praise and gratitude, while relying on the Spirit to pray in all ways. Help us to draw closer to You through prayer, that our spiritual lives may be nourished. Fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit so that we may be strengthened, able to do all things in You. Thank You, Father, for hearing our prayers. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!