真誠的禱告—-馬太福音6:7[你們禱告, 不可像外邦人, 用許多重複話,  他們以為話多了必蒙垂聽.][釋義]檢討你的禱告是否量少又質差?是否常禱告到不知所云?禱告不在乎長短, 不在乎言詞優美, 只在乎出自內心.  學習在生活中常常想到主, 並且多幾次, 每次兩, 三分鐘專注的禱告, 你將会發現生活與工作都更得力.  禱告是說給神聽的, 不是說給人聽的.  不要說大話, 假話, 空話.  禱告的話固然重要. 禱告人的內心更重要.  禱告不在於話語得體, 乃在於心靈真誠.  誠於中形於外, 言簡意賅, 言之有物, 表達出內心迫切的負擔和需要即可.  不需大聲呼喊, 無聲勝有聲.  神聽得到你內心真誠的聲音. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝. 我們感謝祢, 讓我們可以藉著禱告來到祢的面前.  雖然我們不會用優美並且專業的言詞, 但求聖靈幫助我們, 以真誠的態度說出心裏的話.  幫助我們有敬畏和順服的心, 以愛心禱告祈求. 存感恩的心順服接受神所成就的一切.  感謝神垂聽我們的禱告.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名. 阿們!

Sincere Prayer — Matthew 6:7 [And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.] [Explanation] Reflect on your prayers—are they brief but lacking depth? Do you sometimes pray without clarity or purpose? Prayer is not about its length or eloquence but about sincerity from the heart. Learn to think of the Lord often throughout your day and offer short, focused prayers of two to three minutes. You’ll find renewed strength in both life and work. Prayer is directed to God, not an audience. Avoid exaggerated, false, or empty words. While the words you say in prayer matter, your heart matters even more. Prayer is not about polished language but about genuine sincerity. What comes from the heart will naturally be expressed outwardly. Keep it concise, meaningful, and reflective of your true burdens and needs. You don’t need to shout; silent prayers can speak louder. God hears the sincerity of your heart. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for allowing us to come into Your presence through prayer. Though we may not use beautiful or eloquent words, we ask for the Holy Spirit’s help to express what is truly in our hearts with sincerity. Help us to pray with reverence, humility, and love, bringing our petitions with a grateful heart and accepting all that You accomplish in Your perfect will. Thank You for hearing our prayers. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!