聽主的話—-詩篇119:105[祢的話是我腳前的燈, 是我路上的光.][釋義]人的建議常叫人混亂, 迷惑, 聽多了更叫人不知所措.  唯有主的話才能像明燈一样, 指引我們的路.  此時, 在主面前安靜下來, 專業心傾主的聲音. 祂必指引你當走的路.  神的話語是生命之光, 是人生的嚮導, 將因罪在黑暗中徬徨的罪人引領到救恩中.  神的話語照亮了人生的道路, 使人可以平安穿越這個世界的屬靈黑喑.  使我們人生有方向, 行路不跌倒.  我們的若在這彎曲悖謬的世代作神無瑕疵的兒女, 就可在世人面前做神美好的見證.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 求祢幫助我們, 要防備人的說話, 很多時候是出自驕傲和自私的心, 容易迷惑和混亂我們的意志. 我們要多讀聖經的話, 並且背誦記在我們心裏, 能夠做我們生命中的指引, 每夭生活的勉勵和安慰, 使我們過得勝的生活, 討神的喜悅.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Listening to the Lord’s Word — Psalm 119:105 [Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.] [Explanation] Human advice often leads to confusion and uncertainty, and listening to too many voices can leave us lost. Only the Lord’s word acts as a bright lamp, guiding our path. Take a moment to quiet yourself before the Lord and focus your heart on His voice. He will surely direct your steps. God’s Word is the light of life, a guide for living, leading sinners lost in the darkness of sin to the salvation of His grace. God’s Word illuminates our life’s journey, allowing us to navigate through the spiritual darkness of this world safely. It gives direction and keeps us from stumbling. When we live as God’s blameless children in this crooked and depraved generation, we bear a beautiful testimony for Him before others. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, help us to guard against the words of people, which are often born out of pride and selfishness and can easily confuse and mislead us. May we devote ourselves to reading Your Word, memorizing and keeping it in our hearts, so it becomes the guide for our lives, the encouragement and comfort we need each day. Let Your Word enable us to live victoriously and bring delight to Your heart. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!