你重生了嗎?—-約翰福音1:12[凡接待祂的, 就是信祂名的人, 祂就賜他們權柄, 作神的兒女.][釋義]”信”意即接受.  “名”代表整個人.  所以”信祂名”意指接受耶穌基督.  “權柄”指特別的恩典.  “作神的兒女”就是人有了神的生命和性情.  你重生了嗎? 這是值得我們深思的, 仔細整理自己和神的關係, 並回答神:”是的, 我真的是重生了.” 重生的人就有了新的生命, 是豐盛的生命, 有神的賜福和眷顧, 將来永遠與神同在.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 雖然我們是那麼的卑微不配, 祢沒有輕看我們, 祢還是愛我們. 甚至差派耶穌來到世上, 成就了拯救我們的方法, 就是讓信耶穌的人能夠得著永生.  我們願意放下自己, 來到主的面前接受祢的恩典,  使我們有永生的盼望.  將來能夠永遠與主同在.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Have You Been Born Again? – John 1:12 [Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.] [Explanation] The word “believe” means to accept. “Name” represents the entirety of a person. Therefore, “believing in His name” means accepting Jesus Christ. The “right” refers to a special grace. “To become children of God” means having God’s life and nature. Have you been born again? This is a question worth pondering deeply. Reflect carefully on your relationship with God and respond to Him: “Yes, I truly have been born again.” Those who are born again possess a new and abundant life, blessed by God and cared for by Him, with the promise of being with Him forever in eternity. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You. Though we are so unworthy and lowly, You do not despise us. Instead, You love us deeply and sent Jesus to this world to accomplish the work of our salvation so that those who believe in Him may receive eternal life. We are willing to humble ourselves and come before You to accept Your grace, which gives us the hope of eternal life and the assurance of being with You forever. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!