因信稱義—-以弗所書2:8-9[你們得救是本乎恩, 也因著信.  這並不是出於自己, 乃是神所賜的.  也不是出於行為, 免得有人自誇.][釋義]我們得救乃是上帝的恩典, 賜給我們的禮物, 我們只需要相信祂和接受祂, 就可以得永生.  恩與信都是神所給.  整個得救的過程不是人的工作, 而是神的作為, 藉著人的相信來完成.  信是管道, 神的恩典通過管道澆灌到人的生命𥚃頭.  得救既是神所賜, 因此不靠人的工作.  若靠人的行為, 例如遵守律法, 過聖潔生活, 便難免會自以為義, 犯上法利賽人自誇的罪. 這樣得來的只是罪, 而非罪的脫離.  上帝差基督拯救世人, 從人得救成為新人的那一刻開始. 就要求人學基督不求自己的益處, 能為他人的福利犧牲小我, 在生活中實踐神所要求的善, 活出基督的樣式來.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 因為愛的緣故, 祢將極大的恩典, 就是永生的盼望賜給我們, 使我們能夠因信而白白的得著這福分, 成為上帝的兒女; 不是靠著行為, 因為祢知道若靠著行為, 我們完全達不到上帝的標準.  求主保守我們, 使我們的生命恩上加恩, 力上加力, 活得更像主耶穌,  成為祢所喜悅的兒女.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Justified by Faith – Ephesians 2:8-9 [For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.] [Explanation] Our salvation is a gift of God’s grace, freely given to us. We only need to believe in Him and accept Him to receive eternal life. Both grace and faith are gifts from God. The entire process of salvation is not the work of humans but the work of God, accomplished through our faith. Faith is the channel through which God’s grace is poured into our lives. Since salvation is a gift from God, it does not depend on human effort. If it were based on works—such as obeying the law or living a holy life—it would lead to self-righteousness, like the Pharisees who boasted in their actions. Such pride results in sin, not the freedom from sin. God sent Christ to save humanity, and from the moment a person is saved and becomes a new creation, they are called to follow Christ’s example. This means not seeking personal gain but being willing to sacrifice for the well-being of others, practicing the goodness God requires, and living out the likeness of Christ in daily life. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your great love and abundant grace, which grants us the hope of eternal life. Through faith, we receive this blessing freely and become Your children. It is not by works, for You know we could never meet Your perfect standard through our own efforts. Lord, we ask You to keep us in Your care, allowing our lives to grow in grace and strength so that we may live more like Jesus. May we become children who please You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!