問題在自己—-詩篇41:4[我曾說:耶和華, 求你憐恤我, 醫治我, 因為我得罪了你.] [釋義]你是不是問題的原因呢?當一些問題找不到原因時, 回到自己的身上看看, 或許答案就馬上出來了, 原來問題就在自己身上.  本詩作者大衛沒有忘記自己與拔士巴同寢行淫的罪, 深怕自己現在患病, 還是出於報應. 由此可見, 那罪影響大衛一生非常深遠.  這是好的, 神要藉此叫大衛常常儆醒, 不再犯罪.  又叫大衛常常謙卑, 知道問題在自己而一直蒙恩, 才得神的保守, 於是感恩的心就更大了.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們祈求聖靈常常光照我們, 讓我們看到自己的軟弱和不足.  當我們遇到問題的時候, 我們常常習慣埋怨和責怪別人.  求主赦免, 幫助我們有謙卑的心, 檢討和反省自己, 從過錯當然中學習靠主重新得力. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Problem Lies Within – Psalm 41:4 [I said, Have mercy on me, Lord; heal me, for I have sinned against You.] [Explanation] Are you the cause of the problem? When you can’t identify the reason behind an issue, take a moment to examine yourself—it’s possible the answer lies within. The psalmist David did not forget his sin of committing adultery with Bathsheba. He feared that his current illness might be a consequence of that sin. This shows how deeply that sin impacted David’s life. This self-awareness was beneficial. God used it to keep David vigilant and deter him from sinning again. It also humbled him, helping him recognize that the problem often stemmed from himself. This humility allowed him to continually receive God’s grace and protection, which in turn deepened his gratitude toward God. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that the Holy Spirit will continually shine light on us, revealing our weaknesses and shortcomings. When we encounter problems, we often blame and criticize others out of habit. Lord, forgive us and help us to have humble hearts that examine and reflect on ourselves. Teach us to learn from our mistakes and to rely on You for renewed strength. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!