將憂慮卸給神—-馬太福音11:28[凡勞苦擔重擔的, 可以到我這裹來, 我就使你們得安息.][釋義]世人不只有生活上的勞苦, 並且有罪惡的重擔.  惟有”來”到主面前的人, 才會得著真正的安息.  最要緊的是我們要以謙卑的心來到主的面前.  我們每天的生活都有喜樂, 有憂愁, 在天災人禍繼續蔓延的情況下, 更昰人心惶惶, 充滿擔憂.  將你的憂愁交給我神處理吧! 有喜樂的心數算神的恩典並獻上感恩.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是我們敬拜的神, 祢關心和眷顧我們的生命. 雖然在天災人禍之下, 大家都滿心憂愁害怕, 心裏不安, 求主賜給我們從天上來的平安.  使我們能在主裏面有喜樂的心, 度過每一天, 因為神的恩典是足夠我們使用, 我們獻上感恩.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Cast Your Worries on God – Matthew 11:28 [Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.] [Explanation] Life brings not only physical labor but also the heavy burden of sin. Only those who “come” to the Lord will find true rest. The most important thing is to come before Him with a humble heart. In our daily lives, we experience both joy and sorrow. With natural disasters and human crises continuing to spread, hearts are often filled with anxiety and fear. Bring your worries to God and let Him handle them! Have a joyful heart, count God’s blessings, and offer thanksgiving to Him. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the God we worship, and You care deeply for our lives. Although disasters and troubles fill the world, leaving many anxious and fearful, we ask You, Lord, to grant us heavenly peace. Help us to find joy in You each day, knowing that Your grace is sufficient for us. We offer our gratitude and thanksgiving. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!